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Re: Stress for us older people

@customerqvc2 wrote:

My friend went to the hospital late last week and they told us she couldn't have visitors due to possible covid from vistors.  Unfortunately, she died Sunday night all alone.  It's breaks my heart.

That has been a huge concern for many.

My state is considering a bill that would allow at least one person to be permitted to visit hospital patients.

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Re: Stress for us older people

Maybe it's all about putting the other person first and not making it young over old or old over young (please know that I am not at all insinuating anyone here is doing that).  If we could do that we might gain our trust back in each other and recognize one is not more important than the other. That might mean being willing to sacrifice ones self for the life of another.  Whether it be young, old, teacher.............  As I listen to the news these days, this thought keeps popping into my mind. 

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Re: Stress for us older people

Am i the only person that understands why teachers need to get the vaccines, before schools opening up?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

@Miss Pepsi wrote:

Shopping is the least of my worries.  My husband passed away very unexpectedly in September.  I am stressed because at a time when I need people the most, I cannot be around them.  This house was big when it was 2 of us living here, it is REALLY big with just me.  


I know young people are stressed but ya know what? So AM I!


I don't need to shop, I could care less about that, but I would like to see people. I would like to hug people.


Just being able to do things we use to do,shopping just a example,sorry  i know it is tough, i know losing a husband is hard,been there,

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Stress for us older people

Grocery store workers should come before teachers who will be exposed only to the same students and co workers every day.

Children are on their phones even when they are physically together so I have little sympathy for them.

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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

@goldensrbest wrote:

I see many talking about how the young are experiencing mental health issues ,because of school being remote,  i get that, but what about the older people ,being away from family ,not being able to get out to stores like we use to ,just bringing up ,because it is a real problem.

Perhaps because the young are generally less psychologically and emotionally equipped to handle the stress associated with this pandemic.  Our mayor spoke just today of the alarming increasing in young people's suicides recently.


However I have heard mention of older folks' stress during the pandemic as well on many occasions. At least in my area.


Everyone is stressed.

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Re: Stress for us older people

I get it...I think everyone is stressed. We havent had electrical power here since last Saturday, could be another 7-10 days before we get power am writing this on generator. We have no heat, no way to cook anything....looks like a bomb went off back here so many trees and power lines down. Besides the covid crisis tonights storm is predicted to be worse then last weekend. Even my morphine pump isnt helping, Im in so much pain. Have considered I may not make it thru this.....hgonestly at this point I dont even care anymore. Im done with living in this manner. My best to all of you in the eye of the storms. Im cold.....hungry and miserable. Im sorry.....just venting.  xxxx Love Stormy

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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

Yes, we're all stressed and yes, one gets weary of hearing only concerns about certain populations. I'm also tired of hearing about local government employees holding out and still being paid rather than returning to work. Our schools, libraries, recreation and senior centers and so on represent billions of dollars in assets and they're sitting empty. If those employed by other businesses are expected to show up and perform, I believe strongly local government should demand the same of their workers. If they refuse to do so then replace them. Every effort should be made to ensure their safety and all due consideration should be afforded them, but past a point, put up or shut up. None of us has ever been given any guarantee, and these employees are no different. 

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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

@goldensrbest wrote:

Am i the only person that understands why teachers need to get the vaccines, before schools opening up?

Am I the only one who is angry that the teachers here  got the vaccines and now still refuse to go back until all children are also vaccinated?


If they knew they were going to continue to refuse to go back - since there is currently no vaccine for kids - then why demand to jump the line to get vaccinated before even the 75+ folks?

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Re: Stress for us older people

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

Am i the only person that understands why teachers need to get the vaccines, before schools opening up?

Am I the only one who is angry that the teachers here  got the vaccines and now still refuse to go back until all children are also vaccinated?

@Isobel Archer  No you're not. Their union has served them well. Unfortunately, very few of our alleged civil servants are serving the general populace particularly well at this point and they're being paid well not to do so.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...