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Re: Stress for us older people

@Miss Pepsi wrote:

Shopping is the least of my worries.  My husband passed away very unexpectedly in September.  I am stressed because at a time when I need people the most, I cannot be around them.  This house was big when it was 2 of us living here, it is REALLY big with just me.  


I know young people are stressed but ya know what? So AM I!


I don't need to shop, I could care less about that, but I would like to see people. I would like to hug people.


@Miss Pepsi   I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband.It would be devasting any time, but I agree, especially now. It can be lonely and isolating. Friends or family could usually offer consolation by visiting. I know it's a tough time for you. I hope you can find a way to deal with it so it doesn't get you too "down". Heart

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Re: Stress for us older people

@customerqvc2 wrote:

My friend went to the hospital late last week and they told us she couldn't have visitors due to possible covid from vistors.  Unfortunately, she died Sunday night all alone.  It's breaks my heart.

That's so sad. Some of the hospitals in our area (Phoenix) are now allowing 1 visitor at a time and specific hours unless it's an end of life situation where you are allowed visitors. 

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Re: Stress for us older people

@Miss Pepsi I'm so sorry for your loss.  Yes older people can get very lonely and stressed too.


I'm also tired of hearing about the kids...all of us are different and are in different situations.  Some have happy homes and some not so happy.  As for me, I'm 66 don't feel old but I usually don't do well over the winter. 


This winter has been harder than ususal with the pandemic and harsh weather.  I miss being around people too. I find it very stressful and somewhat depressing.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@jubilant  I agree watching what people went through during the wars, is very eye opening,  just heartbreaking, perhaps we are not as strong as they were ,i don't know,they only had each other, no tv,no  internet to keep in touch.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Stress for us older people

I know that people of every age are feeling some kind of emotional stress from Covid.  I do feel that more news is currently centered on school-age kids.  What about old people who are responsible for the care and well being of other old people?  The only younger people I see are on TV shows.  I've always felt that older people are ignored, and feeling it more now.  


And I hate to say anything bad about teachers -- in general, they all deserve gold stars.  But some teachers are insisting on vaccinations before they go back to work.  Makes me wonder.... what if doctors, nurses, and health care staff had demanded vaccines before they went to work?  

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: Stress for us older people

I agree this has been quite difficult for everyone.  You have the younger people, eldery people and those of us in between.  It effects all of us in one way or another.  I think we all miss being out and about and around friends and family.    Some deal with it easier than others.  I am lucky I have my hubby and we actually like each other, LOL........

Not to make light of it, but I feel we have to be as positive as we can, it's been a long road but I truly see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Hang in there everybody.

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Re: Stress for us older people

I totally agree. I have some serious pre existing confitions and haven't been able to be with my grown kids or grand kids for months and months. They have driven over to my house and we stand outside 10 feet apart and talk. No hugs or anything. It is the worst year ever. I pray to God we get some normallcy back sometime soon it has been mentally and emotionally horrible. Hugs and best wishes to all that are hurting and suffering....Blessings

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Re: Stress for us older people

@LindaSal -- I have started making a list once a day of things that make me happy and things I'm grateful for.  I repeat them to myself in my head when I start to feel low.   So I agree that we all need to stay as positive as we can, even if we have to work at it.  Heart

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Stress for us older people

@Miss Pepsi wrote:

Shopping is the least of my worries.  My husband passed away very unexpectedly in September.  I am stressed because at a time when I need people the most, I cannot be around them.  This house was big when it was 2 of us living here, it is REALLY big with just me.  


I know young people are stressed but ya know what? So AM I!


I don't need to shop, I could care less about that, but I would like to see people. I would like to hug people.

@Miss Pepsi - So sorry to hear of your loss. {{{{MissPepsi}}}} Hope this virtual hug helps a little! ♥️ Let's hope things get better soon, for so many reasons, but so that you can get some real hugs! 


F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Stress for us older people

@tototwo wrote:

I know that people of every age are feeling some kind of emotional stress from Covid.  I do feel that more news is currently centered on school-age kids.  What about old people who are responsible for the care and well being of other old people?  The only younger people I see are on TV shows.  I've always felt that older people are ignored, and feeling it more now.  


And I hate to say anything bad about teachers -- in general, they all deserve gold stars.  But some teachers are insisting on vaccinations before they go back to work.  Makes me wonder.... what if doctors, nurses, and health care staff had demanded vaccines before they went to work?  

It's worse than that.  Teachers here demanded - and got - priority for vaccinations - yes even over 75+ folks.  Now, the union says it is not "safe" to go back until all children are also vaccinated.  Since there is no current vaccination for children - voila - teachers must stay home.