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Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

I see many talking about how the young are experiencing mental health issues ,because of school being remote,  i get that, but what about the older people ,being away from family ,not being able to get out to stores like we use to ,just bringing up ,because it is a real problem.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Stress for us older people

I'm so missing out on time with my three Grands and my entire family.  It's been just me & DH all this time.


I work customer service so after 8+ hours on the phone I am the worst for calling people.  That does not help.



My Dad passed away five years ago. Mom was so lonely, then the pandemic hit. It was really hard on her. Luckily she was able to move in with my sister.  Mom is surronded by family now.


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Re: Stress for us older people

While I agree the focus has been on the mental health of kids I have seen local news reports on the mental health of those who have been in nursing homes locked away from loved ones for a year.  I feel for those people because due to state regulations they have been kept away from family members for fear of covid - yet employees are coming in everyday and many refuse the covid vaccine.


This is one reason we have never stopped visiting my mother in law.  We don't wear masks in her home.  My household is basically the only family she has seen in the past year

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Re: Stress for us older people

Shopping is the least of my worries.  My husband passed away very unexpectedly in September.  I am stressed because at a time when I need people the most, I cannot be around them.  This house was big when it was 2 of us living here, it is REALLY big with just me.  


I know young people are stressed but ya know what? So AM I!


I don't need to shop, I could care less about that, but I would like to see people. I would like to hug people.


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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

Yes, I especially miss being away from the grandchildren and my mother, sister, and brother.  Today I will finally see her (my mother)  We are taking her to get her 2nd covid shot. Because of being exposed to Covid 2 or 3 times, it's been weeks at a time I haven't seen her.


Mom is 91 and thankfully my sister lives across the street from her.  I am on the phone about every other day with her so at least I get to hear her voice and we talk.  She has fallen twice in the last few months. Boy, would I love to give her a big hug!  Of course, I won't..... but it's hard....especially since she is getting more feeble with each passing year. I am thankful she's not in a home and her injuries from her falls have not required that. I am also thankful that we are out of quarantine now and will be getting our 2nd shot next monday.....which will allow for us to be together more. It's been stressful but I also feel very fortunate to still have I try to concentrate on that as I know so many don't.  Not to mention, I still have both my siblings, too.  Thank God....between the 3 of us when one of us is down with something, there's at least 2 of us still standing! I don't know how people do it if they are the only child so I feel as though I shouldn't be complaining....but I do so want to spend more time with her in what I think could be her last year.

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Re: Stress for us older people

My friend went to the hospital late last week and they told us she couldn't have visitors due to possible covid from vistors.  Unfortunately, she died Sunday night all alone.  It's breaks my heart.

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Re: Stress for us older people

I don't agree that the focus has been on the mental health of kids - or on anyone for that matter.


Teachers here are still at home complaining about our wanting them to die by asking them to return to the classroom.


Kids are failing, getting depressed, committing suicide.  No matter.  

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Re: Stress for us older people

I think covid has put stress on  everyone, young, old and inbetween.  Missing out on going to school and being with kids your own age and socializing Im sure is a bummer.


But we are all suffering in some way.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@Isobel Archer wrote:

I don't agree that the focus has been on the mental health of kids - or on anyone for that matter.


Teachers here are still at home complaining about our wanting them to die by asking them to return to the classroom.


Kids are failing, getting depressed, committing suicide.  No matter.  

Been alot of focus on kids ,in the news.Not anything about us older people.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Stress for us older people

One thing I don't hear talked about a lot is how we teach our kids to handle stress.


I have watched a lot of Nazi war pictures and other war time pictures and have seen how some of these people survive and come out stronger for it. They went without food, medical care, school, name it.  Maybe we should be asking ourselves what is it that got them through all they went through?  Adults and children alike.  These movies are so  "eye-opening"....especially the true stories.   After I watch one, I always feel so blessed and ask myself......what is it they had that made them survive and be stronger for it ???? Where did they get their fortitude....some of them at such young ages????