Posts: 53
Registered: ‎07-07-2021

Re: Still looking for your favorite grocery store item???

Months ago I read that diet drinks and other items with artificial sweeteners would be hard to find and that has really been the case. Also some things using Splenda. Some places have no sugar free jello or pudding at all. Diet soft drinks are finally available consistently now here but some diet fruit juices like Ocean Spray are just not there.  I am a real happy camper now because when I went to Costco this morning. They were fully stocked with Clorox Wipes! The one thing I have had trouble finding for over a year. 

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Re: Still looking for your favorite grocery store item???

My husband loved a prepared salad mix by Ready Pac Bistro.  This particular salad was the Asian Style.  It had Shiitake mushrooms in it.  We would get it faithfully every week from Wegmans.  But about 3 months ago, it disappeared.  Looked everywhere for it.  But came up empty.  Latest I heard was the company trying to get another distributor.  Hoping it comes back.  There are couple of them, that I can't make at home.  (I don't like to pick mushrooms, etc) 

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Still looking for your favorite grocery store item???

[ Edited ]

Although the majority of the items at HEB (our grocery store here in South Texas) are back, there are a few items that are missing.....  And also some suppliers have done away with smaller or medium sized options and only offer LARGE quantities---things like Scott Toilet Paper, eggs etc etc....Woman Frustrated  


I know HEB has an option where you can go online and complete a form for a "special request" so I'm wondering if that would bring a favorite product back🤔

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Re: Still looking for your favorite grocery store item???

Only things I can't seem to find are things that have been discontinued, not because they are being scaled back, but because they want to expand into other areas.  I know this because the manufacturers have told me this.