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With all the scams and phishing emails etc, this is a reminder that the devil is in the very small detail. 


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Wow!  I have to admit, I didn't notice the difference.  Thank you so much for posting this.😃❤️

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I never click on any links provided in my emails. Never have.

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I didn't see the difference either!!!

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@Pezzie Thanks for pointing that out, scary isn't it Woman Frustrated

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Seems I'm not very perceptive either as I didn't notice the difference. 😳  I find it interesting the lengths they will go to. I just wish the scammers would all go to where the sun don't shine!


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That is so scary. I never click on links, learned my lesson the hard way a few years back.


However, about two weeks ago, received a phone call presumably from Discover asking all kinds of questions and of course I wouldn't answer them, and the minute I said I need to hang up and call Discover to verify this, they became hostile and of course it was a scam.


I can see why sometimes if you aren't fully aware, how things can go awry. It also happened with my husband with someone calling pretending to be with Spectrum, the minute he said he needed to call Spectrum to verify they hung up.


They make it all sound so convincing that I can see why a lot of elderly fall for these scams. You really have to be very aware and on guard all of the time!

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the letter a in bank

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Spot the Difference

[ Edited ]

I have so many puzzle games on my phone I immediately scoped it out and did not look at your entire post before I posted.  I love the finding objects and matching object type games. Would never click on anything suspicious.  This happened with a paypal email once and I was not taken in.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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I saw the difference right off, perhaps because my earlier years in college, I worked as an auditor for a large corporation (whose name has cola in it).