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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@Maxine49 wrote:

@Greenhouse wrote:

Not a regular viewer....last one I saw was a day off from work where Rosy attacked Tom Selleck and he walked off.  I catch it in the nail salon every 2 weeks and not by loss to me. 


Tom Selleck never walked off The View...and he never walked off the Rosie Show either when they had a dsagreement on gun control. Never happened!

I might be wrong about the show; it was long ago but I do remember the altercation between Rosy and To. about gun control and him asking why she blindsided him when he was there to talk about his recent endeavor which I can't even recall what that was...I thought he did walk off or maybe he was dismissed and walked abruptly...but in my memory, it was a walk off.  

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@corismom1 wrote:

That was on the Rosie show, NOT the View. Not that her behavior was stellar on either show.

I stand corrected...really not a fan of talk shoes and I happened to have the day off.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@sharlee wrote:

OK, here's my take on the whole "talent" issue - I didn't see this particular contestant's talent demonstration, so these are just my thoughts based on what I've gathered from online sources.


In previous pageants, I have seen contestants recite poetry or give dramatic recitations - sometime in costume, sometimes not.  This contestant wore her working clothes, while reading an essay (or possibly a monologue) on the subject of her profession.


First of all, it isn't everyone who can speak or read in public, and in such a way as to communicate effectively enough to move an audience.


Second, if she wrote the essay herself, she utilized her writing talent - and believe me, that's another ability not everyone has.


Therefore, if she indeed wrote her material herself, and then read it aloud to an audience of millions, and both moved and entertained said audience, I think this young woman actually demonstrated not one but two talents.



I had not thought of it that way....if she were doing a soliloquy or reading a sonnet, it would not be much different.  I took exception to the stethoscope comment and the mocking tone....not the talent controversy...I imagine someone approves what they do....

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@NanaLinda wrote:

Johnson & Johnson and Eggland's Best have pulled their advertising on The View.  I'm hoping all the rest of their sponsors will do the same.  The show should have been canceled years ago, IMO.  

I absolutely could not agree more.  What a joke of a show! 

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@Shorty2U wrote:

I stopped watching the View years ago. Having said that, I went and watched the video of Joys statement.


Joy said the (contestant) nurse was just reading her emails and she said why is she (the contestant) wearing a stethoscope?


While the comment was rude "about the contestant just reading her emails." I don't see how it is an insult to nurses everywhere? And while I agree she shouldn't have said it, I don't see the big hoopla.


So my question is (and correct me if I am wrong); Is there more? Am I missing something else she may have said? Did I watch the wrong video and it got cut off?


PS) I have heard (via the media) many more rude statements that were made by Elisabeth and Whoopie over the years.

Her exact words which we found insulting were but "why was she wearing a DOCTOR's stethoscope"....that is a basic tool of a nurse and her implicit statement was only doctors are noble or competent enough to use the instrument.  In our super market, some person wears a stethoscope to take blood pressures....the tone was mocking and Condescending whether this young woman's segment is classified as talent is not the issue to offended nurses.  Apparently, sponsors agreed with the nurses United movement....I mean the stupid question they asked the winner about Tom Brady certainly didn't display brain power or insight.  She is quite pretty and lovely and that's what they should be judged on.  

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I was surprised to read that even after the View's so-called apology, Michelle Collins still made a snarky remark about nurses, once the show was off the air, according to a studio witness.


That's probably why sponsors are still bailing on the View, their apology was obviously insincere and no more than a  'PR apology'.


Shame on her!


I have the utmost respect for nurses (and no, I'm not a nurse), but they have a hard job and quite often are expected by Dr's. to actually do the Dr's. job (I have worked in hospitals and have witnessed this first hand) .

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

Greenhouse - I so agree with all your posts.  You are a very intelligent and thoughtful poster.


Speaking as someone who just spent 2 week- long stays in the hospital, nurses definitely use stethescopes regularly.  When each new shift started the nurse on duty would do an assessment on me which included checking my heart and for sounds in my stomach and intestines, and check my blood pressure using the stethescope. 



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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@Deb1010again wrote:

Greenhouse - I so agree with all your posts.  You are a very intelligent and thoughtful poster.


Speaking as someone who just spent 2 week- long stays in the hospital, nurses definitely use stethescopes regularly.  When each new shift started the nurse on duty would do an assessment on me which included checking my heart and for sounds in my stomach and intestines, and check my blood pressure using the stethescope. 



@Deb1010again - thank you.  I hope you are feeling better and well.  I have enjoyed good health most of my life but had a serious crisis in 2011 and I wasn't familiar with the hospital.  The doctor was not my regular one and a bit distant and tho, I am a nurse, I relied heavily on the nurses to keep me informed.  The last 28 years of my career was not in a hospital and I was impressed with the knowledge the nurses had, their compassion and hard work.  I am rather picky as a patient and nervous but came out well and more confident in my local hospital.  I always have gone to NYC for medical care.  Stay well and thank you for supporting nurses. 

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

It seems that it's not so much what was said on air, it's what was spewed on the break or after the show.  A comedian has spilled the details.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I think part of it is one's own observations .....


I have a fair amount of doctors appointments, and, in that setting, I never see a nurse wearing a stethoscope .... never.    


Perhaps nurses who work in hospitals  (and maybe nursing homes?)  walk around with one, but I don't even remember the last time I was in a hospital .... knock on wood.