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Posts: 2,806
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Spoke too soon. We lost my dad this morning.

I realize this is weeks later than it should be but I wanted to thank everyone who responded here, whether it was in the form of a message or a heart.  I never expected so many of you would do that!  I’ll never stop missing my dad and my mom, but your compassion and support has helped me during this grieving process. Even though I’ve never met any of you in person, your thoughtfulness is appreciated more than you can ever know. Hugs to all of you!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,120
Registered: ‎03-29-2019

Re: Spoke too soon. We lost my dad this morning.

[ Edited ]





Oh, kalli! I'm so terribly, terribly sorry to hear that your beloved dad has passed.😥




It's never easy for a daughter to loose her father, especially if they were close.



A father-daughter relationship is one that can never be replicated, and it's especially hard when it's your last remaining parent that passes.



Cherrish the time that you had together, and hold tight to the memories.



I am weeping as I type, for your broken heart, and for the pain that you are going through.




You have my deepest condolences, and many, many gentle {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,739
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Spoke too soon. We lost my dad this morning.

@Kalli I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I hope you have family and friends who can lend comfort at this time. You can take some solace that he isn't suffering anymore, and he is reunited with your mother who he missed terribly. Again, I am so sorry.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,289
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Spoke too soon. We lost my dad this morning.



Oh no, what a shock.  I am so sorry.  My Dad died at 79  and my Mom at 98.  It doesnt matter the age, it hurts and it is sad and lonley without them.   I wish you strength and peace in your heart.  Again, I am very sorry

