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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

[ Edited ]

When the CDC gave their recommendations for the rollout it said that the vulnerable specifically 65 and older to be included along with healthcare and first responders would be first.  Some governors decided that it would not be so and changed the recommendations to 70 years and older and unbeliveably in other states 75 and older.  In light of the fact that many who are 65 and older are watching their grandchildren and assisting them with remote learning so that their own children can go to work without having to lose their job by being required to stay at home assisting their children in front of their computer; I think it was very short sighted to not include 65 and older exactly as the CDC recommended.  The rollout began in December.  My governor, who of course got vaccinated along with his entire family, is the same age as those he denied the vaccine to until mid Feb making the announcement exactly during the shortage.  After checking everyday and night I finally obtained an appt for both me and my husband in the wee hours of the morning this morning.  Of course I'm angry about that and will voice it during the next local governor race as will thousands of others he dissed.  


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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

@Sooner wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

Ok, we are happy for them. But my question is---do we need a new thread started every time someone gets their vaccine?   

@KKJ We have daily new threads about pet health, deer, pretty pictures, who got a package, didn't get a package, something wrong with the forum etc.  Why not?  

Well said @Sooner .  Also, no one has to open these vaccination threads, so who cares how many are started?

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

It's interesting, though, that some of same posters who continually go on about "just don't read the Covid threads" if you don't like them are the first to whine whenever there's a H & M or royal family thread. They will complain about all the RF threads.  Hmmm.

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

Complaining is the great American passtime. That's just how things are.


I think it's wonderful that the Covid complaints have shifted from the former complaints about the "doom and gloom" and "hysteria" of discussing health news and survival tips to the same people now complaining that there's too much good news and celebration of people getting vaccinated. That is a fabulous thing to have the opportunity to be imitated about. Complain away.

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

@KKJ wrote:

It's interesting, though, that some of same posters who continually go on about "just don't read the Covid threads" if you don't like them are the first to whine whenever there's a H & M or royal family thread. They will complain about all the RF threads.  Hmmm.

So I'm trying my hardest to give equal weight to threads about the pandemic and threads about criticising every single move taken by people who have absolutely no impact on our lives.


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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

my s/o will be getting his on monday. he will be 66 this year.

gave him the link yesterday to the scheduling at CVS in the area.

it took him two minutes to get an appointment.


mom, ex, one daughter, one son in law have all received both of their vaccinations.


i think people posting are just happy and possibly relieved and they want to share it with others, like other joys in their lives. no harm, no foul, no bragging, no envy.

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

Ok, we are happy for them. But my question is---do we need a new thread started every time someone gets their vaccine?   

@KKJ We have daily new threads about pet health, deer, pretty pictures, who got a package, didn't get a package, something wrong with the forum etc.  Why not?  

Well said @Sooner .  Also, no one has to open these vaccination threads, so who cares how many are started?

@San Antonio Gal Actually, some people use this board as their personal board or blog, posting daily for months at a time on a subject.  I am surprised the PTB allow that. 

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

@Bhvbum wrote:

@pitdakota wrote:

I know @Mersha, those stories just make my heart happy and I wish we could do so many more of them!  Still have to have the vaccine but hopefully with 200 million doses being ordered in early Feb., that will help a little.


It will help, but they can't pump that amount out overnight and also have contracts with other companies they have to fulfill.  But any little bit will help. 


I am just hoping that the J&J vaccine will open things up with more vaccine being available in early March.  Fingers crossed, fingers crossed.  

I know exactly how folks feel, I did everything starting with applying to the VA Dept. Health site and then as things opened everywhere else. Luckily the very first place I registered, the VDH is who contacted me.  As I saw my friends and neighbors get vaccines and I didn't, it gave me some hope.

Advice:  I learned I should be checking my emails when everybody else was sleeping, and I am sure at 6a.m. when I checked, it paid off, there was my email from the VDH to select an appointment time, that was the reason I got it.  No we shouldn't have to do that, and six months from now it won't be like that,  but I was not willing to wait.



@Bhvbum, Absolutely!  I worked like it was a part time job to get an appointment for my husband.  He is in a different category than I am, but regardless, I wanted him vaccinated before even thinking about myself.


And then when appointments did open, I would click on a date/time, get the message no longer available, make another selection.  I would do that and get the same message.  Those appointments were flying out the door!  Then I finally landed one for him.  


Same thing when my category opened, but I landed one as well.  But it sure took time and determination!  



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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

Thanks to everyone that replied.


As usual, the replies consisted of a wide range of opinions.


I was discussing the topic with a friend last week and thought it would be interesting to post the question here.


It was indeed!

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Re: Social Media and the Covid Vaccine

This is not about thinking you were more clever than another.  It's about the lack of available appointments for people, period;


States that chose to take a different path instead of listening to the CDC


but thank you for taking the time for verbalizing that no one but you thought of looking for an appt at all hours of the day and night! 


Of course it was the fault of the seeker!   I see, I am getting it now.


When my State finally opened up for age 65 - 69 in mid Feb as other States did starting in December, I finally found 2 appts this morning for me and my husband.  Good old fashioned ingenuity on my part....uh huh that's it.