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I had just posted a reply yesterday, next thing I know, it went to "sign in". Then the pictures and other pages.


Went to Live Chat and spent about 30 minutes and it ended with call Customer Service. Gave up! Came back later and all was well. Keep my fingers crossed.




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Yeah, I just remarked about this new 'sign-in' page on one of the threads in the Customer Care forum.


The first time I was wondering where the heck I landed (have no idea who any of those good-looking folks are!) and fortunately I had the presence of mind to scroll down and down and down to where I found the login field.


The weird got weirder.  Smiley Very Happy

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I've been having the same problem today.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Better keep everything crossed you got 2 of. 

It comes and goes, goes and comes all day long.


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Maybe someone at the software desk is pulling our leg.  

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And you can probably take it to the bank that this 'improvement' is the reason for so many sign in issues lately... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Still say it's about time for a new revamp of the whole forum.

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Re: Signing in now

[ Edited ]

Anyone else have to sign in twice...right in a row?  That's been going on for me for several months 🤷🏼‍♀️

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@tansy wrote:

Anyone else have to sign in twice...right in a row?  That's been going on for me for several months 🤷🏼‍♀️



Yes. For a long time now. Not every time but sometimes it takes 4-5 attempts before it sticks. 





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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

@SharkE wrote:

Still say it's about time for a new revamp of the whole forum.



I don’t think we want them getting one that is even worse than this one. Not that I’m sure that is possible. But I’m confident this is as good as it gets. This forum was way outdated before they dumped it on us. They aren’t looking to give us a great experience or they would have made an effort years ago.