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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@kaydee50 wrote:

I don't think she's "better."  I think she's irresponsible and borderline stupid.

What is irresponsible about having a lot of kids? If you have the means to support them you should have as many as you want.


On the other hand I do not want to have to contribute to their support, e.g., welfare.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@Venezia wrote:

I don't see it as a positive thing.  Why on earth would anyone want to be pregnant so many times, so quickly in succession?  Is she trying for her own baseball team or something?


How about doing her bit to keep the population explosion down?  It certainly doesn't make her a better woman than me or anyone else.



There is no "population explosion". Birth rates in the first world are way down. You'd better hope someone has a lot of children to contribute to your Social Security income.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

We have a family down the block from us that have 8 children. They are darling, polite and the mom is a wonderful woman. She always goes out of her way to be friendly and often she has asked me if she can help me out. I laugh because I should be helping her out. The children are well cared for and attend the Catholic School in our town. Her husband is an attorney with a large law firm. No worries that one cent of our tax dollars are going to support her children. BTW, she has a degree in Nursing and will return when she said the kids are grown. I love that we have choices today whereas years ago, women had "set" roles and expectations.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

 I would have had many more children, but ,it just didn't happen for me.The families at my church are having larger families and the children are just gorgeous, well behaved, and beautiful. I am envious

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@DearPrudence wrote:

I don't get where you think she is a better woman than you are.  Different maybe, not betterWoman Happy




So true!


Many women, including DD (36) can't have children, but that doesn't make them any LESS of a "better woman" than she is, just because she spit out a bunch of them in a short period of time.


I agree with other posters who say that the more important issue is if she can provide for them in every way, to ensure a happy, healthy life for them.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@cherry wrote:

 I would have had many more children, but ,it just didn't happen for me.The families at my church are having larger families and the children are just gorgeous, well behaved, and beautiful. I am envious

You and me both @cherry . I was told never to have children because of my Type 1 diabetes but I went ahead anyway and was blessed with two. However, like yourself I wanted a large family. Before we were married my husband used to talk about having 5 children. He was from a large family himself...

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

The idea that someone is a much better woman for having more children just makes me cringe.


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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@Trinity11  there is nothing better than new life. I am going to be a Great Auntie any minute, my grand niece is in labor, and I can hardly  wait

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

The idea that someone is a much better woman for having more children just makes me cringe.






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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Is the prolific mother a memeber of the Quiverfull sect?