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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@jannabelle1 wrote:

Please don't give @CrazyKittyLvr2 a hard time for her comment "better woman than I am"'s an old phrase that's probably not used much anymore. Both my mother and grandmothers used to say the same thing. It's a tongue-in-cheek comment! Just means she wouldn't want to have to deal with the situation herself!

@jannabelle1 Thank you for the nicely stated explanation. It is an old saying not everyone is familiar with. I understood as I heard this in my childhood from my mom and her friends when shaking their heads over what some women would put up with or situations they were in.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Better? You’re kidding, right? Hasn’t she heard of birth control? How about the carbon footprint each person leaves on the earth? Are we supposed to admire her for breeding like a bunny? 

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

g@sidsmom wrote:

@DearPrudence wrote:

I don't get where you think she is a better woman than you are.  Different maybe, not betterWoman Happy

Yeah, I don’t get the ‘better’ angle.

Just because one has lots of babies...

well, it just makes them having lots of babies.

That’s all. 

I haven't read the whole thread, but this actually makes me feel.....ill.


Her poor body. She didn't even heal completely before getting pregnant ....again.

Repeatedly.  Just Say No!


Years ago, I read that it takes 2-3 years for our body to recover back to its pre-pregnancy state. Where all the organs and muscles are "back in place",

so to speak.


Just physically, let alone mentally, the damage must be considerable.


And what about the children? There's no way that many can get even a minimum of one-on-one time and attention.


Yah, yah, "it's their business", "personal choices", blah, blah.

Well, I have "the right" to my opinion...and am not Politally Correct.

and  I think it's irresponsible and disgusting.......for numerous reasons.


Flame away!


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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

How can anyone properly care for that many children???  They need to be cared for physically, emotionally and monetarily.  There was just me and my sister and when we came home from school it was chaos with each wanting to tell our mom about our day and problems.  I don't think you have kids to raise your kids - help yaround the house yes but that is usually not what happens.  I remember a girl I went to school with from a family of 8 kids.  She was the oldest daughter and had the weight of the world on her shoulders.  She got pregnant at 16 so she could escape, saying  -If I'm going to be responsible for babies they are going to be mine!  She said she had less responsibility with only her own child and household to take care of.    I think in this day and age anyone who has that many children probably has to have some mental issues.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Wonder if the couple belongs to the idea of Quiverfull.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

[ Edited ]

so the worth of a woman is how many kids she has?


thought we were past that

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I didn't get the feeling of a religious componet. She and her husband both came from big families and they wanted a big family themselves. I didn't get a Duggar feeling from the article.


She said if her health became an issue they would rethink their family planning.


My Mom was 1 of eight and Dad was 1 of 3.  I have 1 sister. My 2 kids are 4 years apart. Personally,  I know my limitations and 10 kids  under 11 would put me over the edge. lol 

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Maybe she heard about the declining birth rate and felt she needed to help.

I guess if the children are loved and well cared for it is not a problem.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I don't think she's any better than you or any other mother.  She has a large family and the kids are close in age.  She has them...they exist.  So, she just does what she has to do.  Most women with very large families are super organized, they have to be.  Dad helps, the older children have chores.  My mom's best friend, we called Auntie Ida, had 17 children.  She had two sets of twins.  She got married at 16 and had her first child at 17 and she was 50ish when she had her last set of twins.  She wa pregnant a couple of times when here older daughters were pregnant.  I don't know if her husband did much to help but all the kids did, from  pretty young age.  I'm 59 so when I was growing up, there were a lot of big families.