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Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

SNOW!!! ☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️


@shell garden, MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁!!!

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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......


See the source image
Morning everyone.....this is what I woke up to this morning.  Simply beautiful.  Not sure how much, maybe 2".....  It will probably be gone by Christmas Day.  The sun is trying to come out now.
What a lovely bunch of posts on here yesterday.  So many kind words were said and they do mean a lot to all of us.  That's what makes this group of posters so wonderful.  We care about each other.....and that is why you all are so special to me.
Some sweet soul sent me a dozen long stem red and white roses for Christmas.  Received them yesterday.  They are simply beautiful and my what a fragrance.  Had a lot of fun cutting the stems to different lengths and arranging them in the vase they provided.  They were very thirsty.....and this morning they are all perky.  Need to add some more water to them soon.
I will be staying home for Christmas.  Just not feeling my best, and it would take a lot out of me to gather all the stuff I would need to take with me to spend the night at Sheri's.  This is ok, I really don't mind being alone....plenty of movies I can watch, and have many games I can play to pass the day away.
loves....thanks for Norton.....he is so cute.  
Ok, enough chatting from me.  Here's hoping each of you has a wonderful day.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,045
Registered: ‎04-28-2015

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@loveschocolate wrote:

SNOW!!! ☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️


@shell garden, MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁!!!

@loveschocolate......MERRY CHRISTMAS, SUGA!  You have SNOW?  YAY!!!!!  

See the source image


Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@shell garden wrote:

WAVING TO ALL....  have a wonderful and blessed holiday (Christmas and Hanukkah) and may we all stay safe and happy and in good health in the new year.  Love you all....

Amen.....and the same to you dear.  We love you too.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,045
Registered: ‎04-28-2015

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

SHOWME, your staying might be the best especially if it's snowing there and you aren't feeling well.  Don't go spoiling Mr. Lucky now, lol.


This board is jumping all around and I'm gonna sign off now, but wishing all of you a merry Christmas and stay safe and well.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@loveschocolate wrote:

SNOW!!! ☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️


@shell garden, MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁!!!

Have the same thing here.  Really beautiful out there.


Merry Christmas to you too.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,045
Registered: ‎04-28-2015

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......


See the source image
Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@shell garden wrote:

SHOWME, your staying might be the best especially if it's snowing there and you aren't feeling well.  Don't go spoiling Mr. Lucky now, lol.


This board is jumping all around and I'm gonna sign off now, but wishing all of you a merry Christmas and stay safe and well.

Yes, I think so too.  Would have to take my walker and all that stuff, just too much, and they would have to load me and all my stuff in their vehicle.  Won't go hungry.  Will be fixing chicken breasts with potatoes and onion in the roasting pan.  Will also fix some veggies and have some cranberry sauce.  That way I will have some for other meals.  Just love that dish.....and it is easy to fix.



This site can be really frustrating at times.  It was with me last night.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

Happy Game Day


College this morning, then Green Bay v Vikings!


UFO was spacex  launch of satellites......yah, right.


DS off surfing before he heads out to work this afternoon.  Cloudy and 51.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,342
Registered: ‎09-10-2012

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@loveschocolate ~ thank you for sharing in our joy with the birth of our grandson! It's so good seeing you here. Enjoy your snow! We recently had about 5" here. Didn't stick to the roads which made it nice and convenient. Was enough to build a decent snowman with Gracie ~ the horses and dogs loved it, too. ⛄️😍 Hope we get more soon! 


@MickD ~ thank you for the warm welcome! That eerie photo is something else!! Right out of X-Files. 😳 I think I would have freaked if I saw that in the night sky! Yet, it's strangely beautiful, too. Enjoy your football today. Hubby likes college games, too. My daughter and family arrived safely. We are making desserts and some of the appetizers all day... Will likely have pizza and hot wigs delivered for dinner ~ just to get out of the kitchen for a while! 


@shell garden ~ hello!! Great seeing you and your beautiful graphics here. Maybe this site will calm down again by the 1st, when the latest Q-Card offers ends... Until the next one. If I ever considered signing up for one; this constant and unnecssary annoyance is enough to change my mind permanently. Happy holidays to you and yours!! 😘


@ShowMe ~ sorry your post was lost! I've had to start over 3 times today. May this go be charmed enough to stick. Your chicken dinner sounds delicious! And those roses... how sweet is that? Do you still hear from Bfran? I hope she and sweet Benzi are doing well. I saw on my old iPad the photos of Benzi that she sent me to post here. Mr. Lucky as a kitten, too! Ahhh... Sweet memories! Staying in and watching Christmas movies sounds like a good idea to me. We'll be watching 2 tonight ~ then 2 more tomorrow night. Enjoy your peace and hugs to Mr. Lucky, too! 


Here's a special one for you as you enjoy looking out on the snowfall: 




Special seasons greetings to @@dooBdoo and @Gooday!! ❤️❤️ So nice to see you still post here. Reading back, I learned that dooBs suffered a recent injury from a fall, too. Sorry for the ouchie! Lifting you up for healing, dear friend. 


To all here: 



With Love & Blessings for a wonderful 2018!! ❤️