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Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@ShowMe wrote:


See the source image
Morning everyone......  Slept in this morning, and now I'm enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee......
It's on the chilly side this morning, but is supposed to be in mid 50's today.  Then a cold front is moving in and it is supposed to be about 32 here on Christmas Day, and then cold for a few more days.  
You girls had a blast on here last night after I signed out.  Glad you had fun.  
Not going to be doing much of anything today.  When I get off of here, I want to go get my shower and wash my hair.  Really need a hair cut badly.....but it can wait until after the New Year.....
@dmod nj.......on behalf of all of us, thanks for the holiday wishes.  We all wish the same to you.  The cookies look to pretty to eat.  I'm hanging in there.  Back on my treatments again, and they seem to be rougher this go round.  They seem to hang on longer than before.  My back is still bothering me from the fall, but have a feeling I will be feeling it for quite some time.  BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOURS FOR A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON.  
Ok, gotta get going here.  Have a fantastic day everyone.

@MickDthank you so much. Smiley Happy


@ShowMe  you are in my prayers. Blessings to you as well. 

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000488 EndHTML:000073359 StartFragment:000073096 EndFragment:000073261 StartSelection:000073096 EndSelection:000073261 SourceURL: Beautiful Snow Globes - Bing

See the source image
Good afternoon ladies ~ I hope all of you are enjoying some mild weather.
Where has the year gone? I know for some, it seems like an eternity and for others, 2017 cannot end soon enough.
Well, at least we can count our blessings that we are here.  Which reminds me...thinking of MaRina, Sweetpea53, cater, 4paws and Baby Fran.  I think of you all and I'm pretty sure the rest of the Fluffettes do as well.
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Registered: ‎09-10-2012

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

Hello to ShowMe and Friends! I've resigned to the fact that I’ll never be able to really catch up with your thread here, but I don’t want to miss the chance to wish each of you a very... 




...If you will pardon my late intrusion. I continue to lift ShowMe up for healing daily, So sorry to read you also fell and obviously injured yourself, too. May 2018 bring good health to you and all here! 


Love & Blessings, 

~Joy ❤️



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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@Lesa wrote:

@ShowMe, Mr. Lucky,  and to all the Fluffettes and all who


visit this thread. It's the bestest!!


merry christmas.gif



Here's wishing the same to you down there in sunny Florida.....    You are so special on here to many......

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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@MickD wrote:


Going to my son's school Christmas party....BBL!

How was the party????

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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@dmod nj......  thanks for keeping me in your prayers.....  Still need them coming.  Like today, having quite a bit of pain.  Think it's because of the change in the weather we are going to have.  

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Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@Gooday.....good to see you on here today.


I too wonder where this year has gone.  It is hard to believe we are almost in 2018.  As for myself, hope it will be a better year than 2017.....   Hope for no more falls, no more hospital and therapy care......  


Yes, do think of those that haven't been on here for a while.  Miss them a lot.  Hope they can find their way here again.





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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@WaJa61 wrote:

Hello to ShowMe and Friends! I've resigned to the fact that I’ll never be able to really catch up with your thread here, but I don’t want to miss the chance to wish each of you a very... 




...If you will pardon my late intrusion. I continue to lift ShowMe up for healing daily, So sorry to read you also fell and obviously injured yourself, too. May 2018 bring good health to you and all here! 


Love & Blessings, 

~Joy ❤️



Was simply thrilled when I saw this post on here from you today.  Golly lady, have missed you for a mighty long time now.  


Lots of changes on this thread.....quite a few new posters have joined in with us.  

Yes, I had quite a nasty fall in September.  Dr. G had scheduled a  staged biopsy for me.....and boy, I didn't feel a thing....slept right through it.  Came home and all I did was sleep.  Was scheduled for an appointment for a treatment, and when I got up to go to the bathroom before I started to get ready, I was in the hall, and down I went.....landed on my fanny.....  I managed to get up, and cancelled my appointment for the treatment.  Waited 2 days to do anything about it.....and was in terrible pain.  The woman upstairs over me said I really needed to get to the hospital, and she followed in her car.  Stayed with me until I got to my own room...which was about midnight.  They did a CAT scan, and informed me that I had fractured my T11.  Also ended up with an infection on my back.  They put me on pretty potent antibiotics via my port.....and gave me some drugs for the pain.  Was in the hospital for about 6 days, then was transferred to a rehab facility near home.  Still don't remember a lot of what occurred in the hospital or how I was transferred to rehab.....  Was at the rehab facility for a couple weeks.  They said I would have follow up therapy at home.....  The therapists were wonderful to me.....  And I continue to do the exercises just about every day when I'm not hurting much.  Yes, this has been very rough to go through....and never want to have to go through it again.  


Other than the above goings on, not much is different in my life.  Am home quite a bit of the time.....have a walker that I do take with me when I go out....and it gets to be something else to get that in and out of the back seat of my car......


Dr. G started me back on the treatments a few weeks ago.  Didn't have on since 9/5.  These seem to be taking a little longer to get back to feeling semi normal afterwards.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers.  It means so much to me, and do know prayers help....and get answered.    


Ok, enough about what I've been going through.....  Hope everything is good with you and your family.  Think of you so often.  Am sure you are keeping your self busy as usual.  Knowing you, you are probably all ready for Christmas.


Here's hoping you have a most Blessed Christmas and fantastic New Year.  Heart

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Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@WaJa61 Oh my goodness, stranger!  Happy holidays, merry Christmas, and a happy New Year to you and your family.  Don't be a stranger.....hang out with us crazies once in awhile!!!!!!

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: SHOWME'S Mr. Lucky......

@ShowMe The party was wonderful.  There was a choir, and a small band .....some really talented kids.  One boy could be on American Idol.  He played the piano and the guitar and sang a solo and a duet.


Husband and I left before the buffet.....I don't stand in line for food.  We skeedaddled and went to Fisherman's for dunch/linner.


I managed to look decent with Isaac M black trouser jeans, the red booties, a black t shirt and the long black D & C tsv cardigan.  I wore earrings and practically had to repierce the holes.....tmi......I need to dress up more! Turning into an old beach bum!

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G