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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY


@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

I enjoyed it.  It was very entertaining and fun and everyone was clearly having a ball!  I like seeing people having a good time and being happy.


It's Fashion Week in New York City.


There's always a little chaos and disorganization and things get hectic!   That's what makes it so unique and enjoyable.   They should do it more frequently in my view, once each Fashion Week.

You must be an ex-cheerleader, @They Call Me MR Wilkes.  🙄🤣

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

I thought it was a hot mess also. Unnecessary. There was nothing that "seemed"

Runway venue level. I saw the audience and they were in gym shoes lol.

I think the Q has come to the point of trying any idea to pump sales.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting a new result.

The same players just different locations. I can't speak for Dennis Basso because I don't follow his brand but everything else has become cookie cutter.

And the hosts are Sales people doing what their boss tells them to collect that big paychecks.

It is what it is.

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY


@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

I enjoyed it.  It was very entertaining and fun and everyone was clearly having a ball!  I like seeing people having a good time and being happy.


It's Fashion Week in New York City.


There's always a little chaos and disorganization and things get hectic!   That's what makes it so unique and enjoyable.   They should do it more frequently in my view, once each Fashion Week.

@They Call Me MR Wilkes.  I was watching the audience faces.  They weren't cracking a smile and surely didn't seem to be registering pleasure or enjoyment.   More like shock while I was watching.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

Lame.   audience arrangement was so stupid, stick straight seats closerthanthis with 2 separate aisles,  in what world does that make any sense.   people had to crank their necks to see most of the fashion presentations.  And they paid $35 a pop for this?


Then 90% of the time we see Shawns hiney because she's facing away from the cameras !!  Who does this??  isnt that rule # 1 in TV!?     to be fair there were other butts wagiing around. so tacky asking everyone's age


The camera guys got quite the work-out doing cinema verite .


Again, LAME

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

@faeriemoon , yes, I noticed Amy didn't have her hair styled in the 'wavy' style she ususally does.   Either way, she has nice hair.   I had never seen her before last night with her hair 'straightened'.


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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

[ Edited ]

The funniest part of this thread is that many people expect everyone to agree with them.  We don't all agree and checking Facebook comments the overwhelming majority were very positive.   There were definitely several unfavorable comments very similar to those on this thread also, which is fine.  


However, since everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and free to express it here or anywhere, the insistence that QVC change its strategy to suit those that didn't like it just make me crack up.   Many of you have stated over and over again you don't purchase here so unless you're a stockholder why would you care? 😂

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY


@Tori3569 wrote:

The funniest part of this thread is that many people expect everyone to agree with them.  We don't all agree and checking Facebook comments the overwhelming majority were very positive.   There were definitely several unfavorable comments very similar to those on this thread also, which is fine.  


However, since everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and free to express it here or anywhere, the insistence that QVC change its strategy to suit those that didn't like it just make me crack up.   Many of you have stated over and over again you don't purchase here so unless you're a stockholder why would you care? 😂

I don't follow QVC's financials.  Is there a way to see how successful a show was?

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

Halleluia, finally someone who gets it. And, sadly, I used to like Amy but she has changed a lot and just like the rest now. 

Q used to be so great. Who is managing this junk? I spent a lot of money there and I hate to see these horrible wannabe's selling the wares.

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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

@Kachina624 wrote:


@TheMemphisVette wrote:


i enjoyed it


but then i don't watch stuff/folks i don't like.   


i choose joy

@TheMemphisVette.  You apparently choose chaos.



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Re: Runway show in NEW YORK CITY

My opinion of what I saw?  Awful...what a colossal waste of money.


Why not offer the same products from the studio with benefits for everyone, like free S&H at least.  Come up with incentives to buy.


Think of how much the Q spent on all the bookings, food, travel, lodging, on and on to put on this mess.


The only thing the same was the shouting and talking over each other.


p.s.  I prefer Amy's hair natural and her every day styling.


p.s.s.  I'm flabbergasted anyone would PAY to sit there and watch.  Tickets??? Cat Surprised