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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

@Pearlee wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:



It's just a PR move.  40 is a milestone birthday so they couldn't just ignore it.  It would look small and petty.  The problem with Harry is that he has absolutely shown that he cannot be trusted.  Nothing that is said or done within the RF would ever be private or safe with Harry.  Everything is for sale so if they were to welcome him back, he's capable of selling them out the next time he gets miffed about something.  And then there's Meghan.  They can't have Harry without Meghan and she'd be nothing but trouble.  I think that awful book is the problem.  If Harry had not written it, then they would have reconciled to some extent by now.  Obviously they needed and wanted the money but Harry just went to far.  They are like any other family.   You can't be family if the trust is gone 




When H&M left the family it was something that didn't happen very often.  What people skip over is that the royals really didn't have their backs when the racists and death threats continued.   Personal security was insufficient.


LOTS of people who write autobiographies and memoirs criticize family members, so this is nothing new.  


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I never got the impression that any of the royals ever acknowledge the part they played in all that and apologized .....  


Especially William, who seems to be unable to handle any criticism at all.  I think he's probably a very difficult person to deal with behind closed doors. 


IMO, if Will and Kate had decided to leave the family business and do something else, the criticism would have been just as harsh.   


H&M were right to leave the family BUSINESS.  They are still family.  


Having said that, I wish Harry all the very best. 


As author F. Scott Peck said in the first paragraph of his best-selling book The Road Less Travelled ..... No matter what family you're born into, life is difficult.  

The royal family has nothing to apologize for. They welcomed Meghan into the family only to get stabbed in the back.



Yes, they did "welcome" Meghan into the family.   I wasn't disputing that. 


Unfortunately, it was what they did -  and didn't do - afterwards which was the issue.   


Perhaps you see it differently, but if your family was in danger most people would stop everything and remove them from the situation.   Personal family safety comes first ... for most people.   


The "family business" should be a distant second or third, at best.  

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

Harry's 40 and getting a big inheritance! Yeah now he can stop whining and pay his own security. Team Willam all day every day.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

[ Edited ]

He won't (stop whining that is).  He will threaten to tell more in another book if dad Charles doesn't agree to his security demands and apologize.  His dad as we all know is still fighting cancer. I hope when William ascends the throne he strips both of them their titles. I say William as I know Charles won't for he still loves his son.

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

Imo, the riff between Harry and William started long before Meghan was even in the picture. William is said to have a short fuse and Harry always had a rough time in the schools they attended. It really is time to stop blaming Meghan for all of the RFs issues.


no bashing, this is my opinion only

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

And from Heaven, Diana looks upon both her sons with unconditional love and pride.

And just think, one of them actually deserves it... (Hint, it ain't The Spare)...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

@Pearlee wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:



It's just a PR move.  40 is a milestone birthday so they couldn't just ignore it.  It would look small and petty.  The problem with Harry is that he has absolutely shown that he cannot be trusted.  Nothing that is said or done within the RF would ever be private or safe with Harry.  Everything is for sale so if they were to welcome him back, he's capable of selling them out the next time he gets miffed about something.  And then there's Meghan.  They can't have Harry without Meghan and she'd be nothing but trouble.  I think that awful book is the problem.  If Harry had not written it, then they would have reconciled to some extent by now.  Obviously they needed and wanted the money but Harry just went to far.  They are like any other family.   You can't be family if the trust is gone 




When H&M left the family it was something that didn't happen very often.  What people skip over is that the royals really didn't have their backs when the racists and death threats continued.   Personal security was insufficient.


LOTS of people who write autobiographies and memoirs criticize family members, so this is nothing new.  


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I never got the impression that any of the royals ever acknowledge the part they played in all that and apologized .....  


Especially William, who seems to be unable to handle any criticism at all.  I think he's probably a very difficult person to deal with behind closed doors. 


IMO, if Will and Kate had decided to leave the family business and do something else, the criticism would have been just as harsh.   


H&M were right to leave the family BUSINESS.  They are still family.  


Having said that, I wish Harry all the very best. 


As author F. Scott Peck said in the first paragraph of his best-selling book The Road Less Travelled ..... No matter what family you're born into, life is difficult.  

The royal family has nothing to apologize for. They welcomed Meghan into the family only to get stabbed in the back.


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

They are certainly taking the high road in sending a 40th birthday wish. I read that William is still miffed that Harry gets his 8.5 million inheritance when he turns 40 and it wasn't rescinded when he stepped away from the family. 

I hope the birthday messages from both his father and his brother show the icy relationship is beginning to thaw. 

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

I'm not sure Meghan even factors into Harry's relationship with his family.  He could still reconcile with them even if she wants to continue to hate them. I think it is horrid he is keeping the King's own grandchildren away from their family in the UK; cousins, aunts and uncles, and their grandfather. Unforgiveable IMHO. Harry has a very cold heart now and he can only thank Meghan for that. His own family became villians only after he married her. He needs to be de-programmed. As his children get older they will see and hear things regarding this time period; how tragic for them. As a grandmother of 8, I know they are the light of my life. I can only imagine how much joy they would bring Charles, who is getting older and is ill, if he was allowed to spend time with him. The best medicine ever.

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

glad they reached out to Harry. As John Lennon would sing

"give peace a chance". Happy birthday Harry. 
I pray for healing for ALL involved.  

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Re: Royal Family wishes Harry a Happy Birthday...

Happy 40th Birthday to Harry!   I'm happy to read that his family reached out to commemorate his birthday.  i don't think Harry or Meghan are trying to keep the kids away from his family.   I think they are genuinely concerned for Meghan and the children's security when traveling in Great Britain.  Planes fly both ways and there are also virtual ways to stay connected.