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I live in NJ and would like to consider retiring in Delaware.  I don't know anyone there and I'm looking for suggestions of Active Adult Communities.  The more active; the better.  Either new construction or resale.  I've gone online, but it's not the same as getting a rec from someone who actually lives there or knows the area.  Thanks so much!

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I can't suggest any actual communities (though I can find out the name of the three that family and friends are living in - 2 in the same and 1 in a community close by the other) but I can tell you what all 3 sets have told us, my In-Laws (who were seriously looking there) and other "older" friends of my In-Laws who are looking:


Don't do it.


DH and I thought it would be a good location as many of his co-workers commute from Delaware to MD either daily or stay the week in MD and go home on the weekends but then they started telling him that THEY were choosing not to retire there and would be looking elsewhere. It didn't make sense because tax-wise, it's a great choice. It's close enough to the things we enjoy about MD, DC, PA, etc and we're close enough to everything major so, why not?


The lack of doctors is why. I'm sure there are those who will say that's BS and for them, it may be fine. Every person we spoke with has told us the same thing. In fact, those 3 sets of retirees now travel back to MD for ALL doctor appointments because they couldn't sign on as new patients with any doctor in the area and further out in the state. If you haven't done your research on this specific topic, I would suggest doing so. If you would like me to get the names of the communities, just ask and I will. They are gorgeous, I'll tell you that!

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Thank you for such a quick reply!  I love how I can count on the people on these boards! I think your answer was a very good point.  I will certainly check out the healthcare aspect.  That being said, I would still appreciate the names of those communities so at least I will have a starting point, even if it is a negative one.  

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My sister and her family moved from MD to Delaware to live and still go to hospitals in MD when sick or just seeing a specialist.

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I moved from N E PA and live in Sussex County near the beaches and I HATE it and regret the move. As far as “communities” the homes are extremely close, restrictions out the wazoo on what you CANNOT do with your own home and yard. They say “low taxes” but instead the “fee” you to death and the cost of utilities are much higher than the Pocono region of PA, so anything you would save in taxes would only go to HOA fees, other ridiculous fees and your utilities not to mention the lack of any good grocery stores, no variety. If you like sitting in traffic and paying more then have at it but if not, I strongly suggest looking at other Southern states. Wish I could afford to move back to PA. I also agree about medical care, anyone that I know that needs better care they all either go to Hopkins or a Philadelphia hospitals and doctors. 

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OMG, we lived in Dover, DE where my DH was stationed at Dover AFB, for 3 yrs, and I hated every minute of it!  The locals "are not" very welcoming, they do not like "outsiders"!!!  This was back in the 90's, but I doubt anything has really changed.  I will say, Rehobeth Beach is a very nice beach, and Christiana Mall which was a 45 min. ride was a great mall.  We went to Salisbury, MD a lot to do our shopping!

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Re: Retirement in Delaware

[ Edited ]

we have a beach home in sussex county and i LOVE it here, especially in the off season.

the area sure has grown since i was a small child. lots of things to do, to see, to experience. no sales tax and more reasonable property taxes here in delaware compared to my home in maryland. it has one of the lowest property tax rates in the entire country. roads are very well maintained. i am NOT in a retirement community. there are lots of choices for, carriage homes, townhomes, beach homes,  single family homes. delmarva power is generally cheaper than my bge at home. medical facilites are not that far away. have used them a few times for emergencies and "small problems" like earaches or infections.


tanger outlets in rehoboth beach are fantastic for all types of shopping.


wonderful award winning fine dining restaurants and chefs, every day restaurants, and of course the usual fast food places. there are also lots of golf courses in the general area.


i live in the baltimore area and it takes me anywhere from 2.5 hours to 3 hours to get down here if there is no traffic.


i am actually at the delmarva beaches this weekend. i try to come down often in the off season. i am thinking of eventually making delaware my home base. just not sure i want to give up or downsize my baltimore home though.


i highly recommend delaware. Smiley Happy

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Glad I saw this.  Delaware was on our short list for retiring but after reading this I don't think so anymore.

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@CelticCrafter wrote:

Glad I saw this.  Delaware was on our short list for retiring but after reading this I don't think so anymore.






i dont think you can judge an entire state on a few responses, negative or positive. you may want to spend a long weekend in the areas you are looking at to see how you like it. for me, there are TONS of positives to delaware.......another one being you can do lots of weekend trips easily to major cities.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I agree that a few responses one way or the other shouldn't sway someone from checking the area out in person.  However, you are a part time resident and IMO the availability of good hospitals and doctors nearby would be very high on my "musts" list.


I'm finding this discussion very interesting since some relatives are seriously considering moving there and I'm passing along the gist of these comments.