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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

I believe there was a police report saying the cameras in the store they stated they were in and another close by were checked and they were not in it, that day........time will tell if this is true.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/23/2014 Jannabelle said:

I believe there was a police report saying the cameras in the store they stated they were in and another close by were checked and they were not in it, that day........time will tell if this is true.

Yes. That's what it says in the OP. I'm just wondering who these sources are.

Will be interesting to find out in the end what the truth is. If we ever do find out.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

If true, it just seemed odd that KFC didn't come out immediately to the media. "Under Investigation"...still. It's sad the employees of these locations where treated so badly....all on a hunch...even if true, employees shouldn't be treated that way.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/23/2014 scotttie said:
On 6/23/2014 Jannabelle said:

I believe there was a police report saying the cameras in the store they stated they were in and another close by were checked and they were not in it, that day........time will tell if this is true.

Yes. That's what it says in the OP. I'm just wondering who these sources are.

Will be interesting to find out in the end what the truth is. If we ever do find out.

I have googled a lot tonight, I was going by more than the op...if I can tomorrow I will try to find the others I read, too late tonight, even for me,lol.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

KFC says even if it turns out to be a hoax (and it's looking like it will be) they will honor their pledge to donate $30,000 toward the little girl's medical bills. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

What is wrong with people...

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

Our local news this morning..reported it was a hoax..

The cameras did not reveal any such thing and they could not find any receipt depicting what they said was purchased along with interviews..

I think the GM needs to be charged - not saying jail time. Our jails need to be utilized for serious crimes but she needs to pay a fine to an organization that benefits children along with Community Service working witht he handicapped.

She needs to do serious Community Serivce time.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

If they lied, that is wrong and disgusting.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/24/2014 nunya said:

If they lied, that is wrong and disgusting.

I believe there are laws against setting up a fake charity under false pretenses...not to mention libeling a business.

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Registered: ‎04-06-2013

Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

this girl needs a new home. there are millions of loving families that would love to have her and keep her from harms way.

how on earth do dogs beat down a door and enter a home? it's obvious that the dogs were kept outside and unsocialized for the specific reason of tearing anyone apart who entered the property.

the grandfather, immediately grabbed his pistol and killed the dogs. there's a special place somewhere very hot for people like this and it ain't arizona!

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel