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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/24/2014 brii said:

I'm sure if this little girl needed money for medical expenses, people would have stepped up and donated. There was no need to do what they did...

Exactly what I was thinking. I would bet that if the grandmother made a heartfelt plea, if they held fundraisers, etc., plenty of people would have donated.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

I couldn't wrap my mind around that it took two (minimum) people to force the family to leave KFC, someone to complain and an employee to make them leave. I suppose one ignorant person can rub off to create ignorance in another but it just didn't gel.

The only "fact" that would exonerate the grandmother is if she had the date wrong.

The idiots that made death threats and tossed drinks at the employees are of the same cloth as other idiots who seem to come out of the woodwork in any social-emotional issue. I wish they would all be prosecuted. (Am hoping the FBI has or will nail the ones who have terrorized the family in Idaho.) Self righteous crazy fools shouldn't get away with that.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

Irish your #51 and Free your #52 are spot on.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

From the beginning I couldn't wrap my mind around anyone wanting the little girl to leave but I also couldn't wrap my mind around it being a hoax.

The fact that the grandma just posted it on facebook and it went viral on its own lended credibility for me.

KFC Corp. has certainly stepped up to be the good guys in all this with their generous offer. I hope if this is a hoax that the money is put in the hands of a trust or something for the child's medical care since the grandparents obviously don't have a clue about anything.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

they just said on the news looks like someone - either facebook or the grandmother - has removed the page that she had been posting on.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

Can KFC sue the grandma?

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/24/2014 missyw1 said:

Can KFC sue the grandma?

Probably. Slander, libel, causing loss of business or something. But it sounds to me like KFC want to be the better "person" here, and will just let the kid have the $30K then quietly walk away from the fuss.

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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/24/2014 Clover29 said:
On 6/24/2014 missyw1 said:

Can KFC sue the grandma?

Probably. Slander, libel, causing loss of business or something. But it sounds to me like KFC want to be the better "person" here, and will just let the kid have the $30K then quietly walk away from the fuss.

I hope if this was a hoax, that there are some ramifications, hopefully discourage anyone else from doing it, .....and I hope the baby is taken care of and that none of her family benefits from this.
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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

both the gofundme page and the facebook page have been removed.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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Re: Report: Story of girl getting tossed from KFC hoax

On 6/24/2014 evelomaddict said:

both the gofundme page and the facebook page have been removed.

< I wonder if they have a lawyer.?