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Reminder, Watch your purchases!

Just a reminder to watch the prices on your purchases for 30 days, in the event of a price reduction.


I emailed the Social Team about 3 tops I purchased within 30 days, that are now a Lunchtime Special and received a credit for $54.30!


It pays off!

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Registered: ‎06-17-2020

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

@KingstonMom  Thanks, I did not know that they would give a credit.

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Posts: 1,860
Registered: ‎05-20-2023

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!



Yes, they do!


If you purchse something and the price goes down within 30 days of your purchase, just email the Social Team at for a price adjustment!


They will credit you for the price difference!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

Yes please do check--I've done that many times on both QVC and HSN as well as at Macys. I got the difference between what I paid then and what the price is now---may be a couple dollars but one time it was over $10. And was reimbursed by the next day, often the same day. 

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

@KingstonMom @I also received some money back on my purchases this way. Customers Service was very helpful with this. 

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Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

Yes, I have also done this. I did the live chat and was credited.  I always check the prices.

"Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful."
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Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

This makes me think I should order the high-priced bracelet I've been wanting and gamble it will show up on sale during the Jewelry Sale.  If not, I get the high price or pay a return shipping fee.  Games, games, games.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

did this last week for some HSN purchases and received over $60 back. i try to be diligent and check frequently on both QVC and HSN.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

I keep everything I order in my Wish List for 30 days so I can check for a price drop.


Sometimes, it is only for one I check everyday and don't delete them from my WL til 30 days is up.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,445
Registered: ‎09-02-2022

Re: Reminder, Watch your purchases!

@KingstonMom wrote:

Just a reminder to watch the prices on your purchases for 30 days, in the event of a price reduction.


I emailed the Social Team about 3 tops I purchased within 30 days, that are now a Lunchtime Special and received a credit for $54.30!


It pays off!



Hi @KingstonMom  & @Others  Woman Happy



"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))