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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

@lolakimono You are a woman on a mission 🌟 It's so admirable ❤

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story"
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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

You are a good person... God bless you!
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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)



  I have not read the entire thread through yet, but before I forget 

(which could happen!) I have a suggestion....

It may have already been mentioned.


Is there any way he could apply for internships in businesses/trades he is interested in?


Of course, if he gets a “full ride” and can maintain a steady work/study schedule along with good grades the entire time, then go for it.


Not to dismiss university, but there are trades that will always need talented employees, such as plumbers, electricians, HVAC and the like.

Many who choose a trade as their career lead solid middle class lives.


From what I understand, the demand is there and not likely to diminish

anytime soon.


Also, another avenue would be joining the military, where after his contract 

(usually 4-6 yrs). he can choose to re-enlist or go to college (which is a benefit for veterans).


I myself went to the DOD’s Defense Information School and the training was invaluable. The military offers education throughout your enlistment, apart from the initial  training appropriate to your MOS (military occupational specialty).


Sorry if I’ve strayed too far OT..


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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)


He wants to be an architect, so he will need to get a master's and probably and apprenticeship once he finishes the degree(s).  

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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

@lolakimono , Thank you so much for the update!

I have been thinking about you and your student all week.

Filling out those papers is no easy feat. I remember doing for  our kids. We are fairly on the ball and well educated but navigating through all the paperwork is a challenge.

I am thinking that the school counselors aren't really equipped to help the kids, and when parents aren't able there should be a free way to have assistance. 

My neighbors both college educated successful business people hired people to guide their kids through the process.

It shouldn't be so difficult. --Would love to see changes made.

I'm just rambling, but I worry about these

 kids slipping through the cracks.

Thank you again.


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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

Today was the college tour.  I picked him (and mom) up and we had the tour scheduled for 12:00.  I was able to teach my a.m. classes and take the afternoon off.  When the tour director heard that he was interested in architecture, he found one of his guides who used to be in the program (and has now switched to a different branch) to lead the tour.  It was just the us and the guide, so we got to ask a lot of questions. I could see a twinkle in his eye when we went to the workspace and saw the large scale printers, and 3-D printers.


I am hoping that the tour director will be able to put in a good word. He was really impressed that a teacher had come along for the ride so to speak.  

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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)



I just saw this thread and wanted to tell you what a wonderful thing it is that you are doing to help this young man.


God bless you both and I have very good feelings about the outcome!!!

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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)



what you have done is remarkable - this will changed his life and his family's life


sometimes being an immigrant or worrying about fiinances, you are worrying about today and cannot dream of tomorrow - 


lending an ear - shining a light on what his life can be - you are an angel


you are right that giving him the campus life - bc if he was closer to home, he will try to help his familhy financially and his grades will suffer - cannot burn the candles at both ends


fingers crossed - everything will go well



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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

I have always believed everything happens for a reason.


This (in my opinion) is a perfect example.  This young man is so lucky that he ended up in your class in the beginning.  


That's not to take away from what he, alone, has achieved, but there are other's who have similar abilities but no one to HELP them achieve their goals.


When my husband died I had my son-in-law do all of the paperwork to set up a scholarship in his name at the same high school named after his great, great, great grandfather.  He was the last in his line and we had 3 girls.  My daughter gave her son his first and last name.


Anyway, I wish there were more people like you who are willing to help other's who need it.


I offered to pay the way for my next door neighbor to go the first 2 years at the community college.  He'd never have to pay me back.


But he decided to take out loans.  I think his parents were too proud to let him take up my proposal.  


He was the only one in his entire family to finish high school and one day college.


My guess is you've helped many young people along the way.


My guess is you probably sleep well at night because you sound like a person who walks with a happy heart.


How amazing would it be to have more people like you in the world.


Take care and I'd appreciate it if every now and then you let us know how the young man is doing.


Thank you for sharing something so wonderful.  I know it lifts me up.

Fondly, Annabelle

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Re: Relationships Matter (Long)

@lolakimono   You are a beautiful, kind, and compassionate person.  Great things are coming your students way because of you willing to take the time to assist him and show him there really is a way to attend college.  Many blessings!