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@SaRina wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@cherry wrote:

I understand the Dali Lama says  he might not reincarnate after death. It has to do with China's role in  Tibet


He has been such a positive world leader, that would be a shame for his people.


I don't know what is true. I only believe I will live once.  I can't speak for others



I'm there, also, @cherry


One basis of reincarnation is that we are here to learn a lesson, to make ourselves better for the next return.  Something to to work toward anyway.

As in George Harrison's "Give Me Love"  lyrics.... the last line below meaning, keep me free from reincarnation -- that I have learned all my lessons so that I do not have to bear the cyclic burden of rebirth.


Give me love

Give me love

Give me peace on Earth

Give me life, give me light

Keep me free from birth.





I never heard that, fascinating.  I can see it would be a burden, also.

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@juperier wrote:

@Noel7 Yeah, I think you and I are on the same page.


At some point I think I need to go back to the beginning and re-read the whole thread...too many new posts while I was composing my own. And the accidental deleting, than reinstating posts. Anyway, interesting thread.





It is interesting.  So many people in the world believe in reincarnation, which makes it something to think about.  What is it they actually think, and based on what?


I used to tell my daughter to learn about everything she could, especially what other people believe and how they live, so she would be knowledgeable.  Never blow something off as poppycock without at least learning about it.

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@Moonchilde You and I also seem to be on the same page. Yes, same general idea (or conclusion) based on defferent reasons (or using different vocabulary).

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I have heard of stories like this about children in past news, so I dont think it's fake. Buddhism believes in reincarnation, while RC believes that only Jesus was able to incarnate (or become both man and God).


I personally believe that there is something to reincarnation, but as a Roman Catholic it's not something I feel comfortable speaking with my pastor about.

I believe that there is truth to be found in many faiths. jmo

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@cotton4me wrote:

More food for thought.  Betty Edie had a near-death experience and wrote a book about it entitled, Embraced By The Light.  She touched on the topic of reincarnation.  She said we only come to earth once but that we have the cells/DNA from all our former ancestors.  These cells have our ancestors lives/memories imprinted on them and that’s what some people are picking up when remembering a past life.





I've heard that before, genetic memory, but I can't see how that would work.  Interesting, though.

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@cotton4me wrote:

More food for thought.  Betty Edie had a near-death experience and wrote a book about it entitled, Embraced By The Light.  She touched on the topic of reincarnation.  She said we only come to earth once but that we have the cells/DNA from all our former ancestors.  These cells have their lives/memories imprinted on them and that’s what some people are picking up when remembering a past life.



Curious how Betty Edie came to this scientific idea of cells from our former ancestors with memory imprinted on "them"...  also I have a bit of skepticism about the truth of her Experience " as  Edie refuses to release her medical records or provide any corroborating evidence that she had actually died. She simply expects us to take her word for it.  She is an imaginative writer and tells a good "story".  She made a good income off of the book. 

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@Noel7 wrote:

@cotton4me wrote:

More food for thought.  Betty Edie had a near-death experience and wrote a book about it entitled, Embraced By The Light.  She touched on the topic of reincarnation.  She said we only come to earth once but that we have the cells/DNA from all our former ancestors.  These cells have our ancestors lives/memories imprinted on them and that’s what some people are picking up when remembering a past life.





I've heard that before, genetic memory, but I can't see how that would work.  Interesting, though.

@Noel7 Is this the same thing as Carl Jung's collective memory/identity?

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Only just thinking, but what about the child/children who play the, say, violin in a very professional way without any or much training?  Years ago, I knew someone who beautifully played the accordian without any training at all. ....... The more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm tending toward DNA.   What is in some peoples' genes sometimes just pops up out of nowhere, maybe from a very distant ancestor.  (I tried piano lessons, and no way, no how was I able to sync my mind with my fingers, lol.  But others just easily 'pick it up'.)   As I said before, it would be very interesting research.   Why some people are so instantly good at something and others not so much.  .......... I recall watching 'Who Do You Think You Are' episode featuring Brooke Shields.  That episode made me think about our ancestors and who and why we are who we are.   Try to watch that episode, especially the ending, when Brooke said that she often wondered exactly why she had a strong desire to major in French. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@cotton4me wrote:

More food for thought.  Betty Edie had a near-death experience and wrote a book about it entitled, Embraced By The Light.  She touched on the topic of reincarnation.  She said we only come to earth once but that we have the cells/DNA from all our former ancestors.  These cells have their lives/memories imprinted on them and that’s what some people are picking up when remembering a past life.



Curious how Betty Edie came to this scientific idea of cells from our former ancestors with memory imprinted on "them"...  also I have a bit of skepticism about the truth of her Experience " as  Edie refuses to release her medical records or provide any corroborating evidence that she had actually died. She simply expects us to take her word for it.  She is an imaginative writer and tells a good "story".  She made a good income off of the book. 



@SeaMaiden  @cotton4me


I don't know who Betty Edie is, I'll look her up, but she's not the only one who believes in the possibility of genetic memory.

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Has anyone read or studied the experiences of Edgar Cayce of Virgina Beach, VA. Some real food for thought. He believed that Adam reincanated physically as Jesus Christ to atone for committing the 'original sin'.


His writings on time-past, present, future, are also very interesting-all 3 dimensions going on at once.


I find near death experiences fascinating, butnot something I'm ready to try out myself.