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@debic wrote:

So where is anyone on Q celebrating "Singles Day"?


While I wouldn't mind if they had a better banner, I'm not rushing over to HSN or Evine to spend money because the banner is better.






And then you have those who get all indignant, and say, "How dare stores have sales today! It shouldn't be about getting deals!"


As I said, I don't look to a store, or e-tailer, to make me all warm and fuzzy about any holiday.


Nor would I allow a store to take away what a holiday means to me, because, the reality is, they don't have the ability to do that.


Any holiday is what (collective) YOU make of it.


If one decides to pout and sulk, because the world isn't run the way that they think it should be, then I'm sorry, that's all on (collective) you, not the store or e-tailer.

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@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@debic wrote:

So where is anyone on Q celebrating "Singles Day"?


While I wouldn't mind if they had a better banner, I'm not rushing over to HSN or Evine to spend money because the banner is better.






And then you have those who get all indignant, and say, "How dare stores have sales today! It shouldn't be about getting deals!"


As I said, I don't look to a store, or e-tailer, to make me all warm and fuzzy about any holiday.


Nor would I allow a store to take away what a holiday means to me, because, the reality is, they don't have the ability to do that.


Any holiday is what (collective) YOU make of it.


If one decides to pout and sulk, because the world isn't run the way that they think it should be, then I'm sorry, that's all on (collective) you, not the store or e-tailer.

I'll be over at a Starbucks today with my Caffe Mocha staring at the inefficient lights over the barrista table!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Really, Happy Singles Day! ???? What about our VETRANS!!!!!!! !

Nothing to get your peonies all bunched up.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015

@JustJazzmom wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@debic wrote:

So where is anyone on Q celebrating "Singles Day"?


While I wouldn't mind if they had a better banner, I'm not rushing over to HSN or Evine to spend money because the banner is better.






And then you have those who get all indignant, and say, "How dare stores have sales today! It shouldn't be about getting deals!"


As I said, I don't look to a store, or e-tailer, to make me all warm and fuzzy about any holiday.


Nor would I allow a store to take away what a holiday means to me, because, the reality is, they don't have the ability to do that.


Any holiday is what (collective) YOU make of it.


If one decides to pout and sulk, because the world isn't run the way that they think it should be, then I'm sorry, that's all on (collective) you, not the store or e-tailer.

I'll be over at a Starbucks today with my Caffe Mocha staring at the inefficient lights over the barrista table!



Well, as long as you don't linger too long! Woman LOL

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@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@debic wrote:

So where is anyone on Q celebrating "Singles Day"?


While I wouldn't mind if they had a better banner, I'm not rushing over to HSN or Evine to spend money because the banner is better.






And then you have those who get all indignant, and say, "How dare stores have sales today! It shouldn't be about getting deals!"


As I said, I don't look to a store, or e-tailer, to make me all warm and fuzzy about any holiday.


Nor would I allow a store to take away what a holiday means to me, because, the reality is, they don't have the ability to do that.


Any holiday is what (collective) YOU make of it.


If one decides to pout and sulk, because the world isn't run the way that they think it should be, then I'm sorry, that's all on (collective) you, not the store or e-tailer.

I'll be over at a Starbucks today with my Caffe Mocha staring at the inefficient lights over the barrista table!



Well, as long as you don't linger too long! Woman LOL

And can you pick me up one?


Nothing has changed my mind about buying.  I buy what I want, when I want it, not because it's a supposed holiday, event or anything else.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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@JustJazzmom wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@debic wrote:

So where is anyone on Q celebrating "Singles Day"?


While I wouldn't mind if they had a better banner, I'm not rushing over to HSN or Evine to spend money because the banner is better.






And then you have those who get all indignant, and say, "How dare stores have sales today! It shouldn't be about getting deals!"


As I said, I don't look to a store, or e-tailer, to make me all warm and fuzzy about any holiday.


Nor would I allow a store to take away what a holiday means to me, because, the reality is, they don't have the ability to do that.


Any holiday is what (collective) YOU make of it.


If one decides to pout and sulk, because the world isn't run the way that they think it should be, then I'm sorry, that's all on (collective) you, not the store or e-tailer.

I'll be over at a Starbucks today with my Caffe Mocha staring at the inefficient lights over the barrista table!

OMG ... so funny.Woman LOL

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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well, QVC certainly sells enough goods made in China, so I am not sure why they wouldn't capitalize (cause this country is about capitalism) on ONE MORE SHOPPING EVENT.  Singles day is huge in Asian countries and I guess they want to get in on the action - our country is made up of a lot of difficult cultures and this means more $$ to them


that said, I would not want them to use veteran's day to sell goods, but it would have been nice to see a banner recognizing our vets.  My father fought in WWII, as well as my uncle.


BTW - HSN - didn't the Q buy them?  if so, it is the same company, in case people want to boycott the Q Smiley Wink



If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane ~ Max
Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn’t get tastier if you call it “Broccoli!”!
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. ~ Eames
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Re: Really, Happy Singles Day! ???? What about our VETRANS!!!!!!! !

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@Mj12 wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Lots of the same people who don't want Merry Christmas used, don't think our veterans should be acknowledged or honored today.





Lots of people?  Who?

I shouldn't have said 'lots'. 


A choice few. 


BUT.....I learned today that you aren't allowed to mention posters by name or your post will get poofed. 


Happened to me 2x today already! 


No regrets though!

a choice "few"? really? I have been here a long time, and I have never seen anyone not wish to honor vets.
If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane ~ Max
Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn’t get tastier if you call it “Broccoli!”!
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. ~ Eames
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Re: Really, Happy Singles Day! ???? What about our VETRANS!!!!!!! !

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Fromwinder wrote:

REMEMBER THEM, they gave us a little thing called FREEDOM!




Haven't seen anything about "Singles Day" ..... but, fyi,  it's VETERANS Day, not Vetrans Day. 


@Tinkrbl44  This is on QVC's Homepage:


Singles Day


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Re: Really, Happy Singles Day! ???? What about our VETRANS!!!!!!! !

CNNMoney had an article about Singles Day.

A QVC mention:


"Caporaso said that some U.S. firms are trying to capitalize on the holiday -- even though it falls on Veterans' Day and is close to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

He said that his firm is working with QVC (QVCA) on a Singles' Day site in the U.S. this year.

But most U.S. firms are focusing more on Singles' Day sales in China instead of America. Calvin Klein, online jeweler Blue Nile, Costco and Macy's are all pushing Singles' Day in China for example."


Seems like QVC is the first to market it in the states.  

The success will determine if people buy the selected items or not.

Makes stockholders happy.