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Glad you think so cuz I already ordered. I hope she likes it. I think her attempt at oil cleansing was a FAILURE. I read about it on Paula's website and hopefully this will help clear her back up.

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On 12/29/2014 Qwackertoo said:

Glad you think so cuz I already ordered. I hope she likes it. I think her attempt at oil cleansing was a FAILURE. I read about it on Paula's website and hopefully this will help clear her back up.

Keep me updated on how it works. Oil cleansing can work great for some but not for others. My niece had some pretty bad acne and this really worked great for her. One thing I think derms do wrong, is immediately go right to heavy duty medications instead of finding out what cleansers and other products people are using. They don't check to see what the ingredients are or the pH of the products are. pH is SO important especially for people with troubled skin. Using products that are too high or too low in pH, help the skin harbor bacteria and no matter what meds they put the patient on, they won't get clear skin because the skins acid mantle is off. That is one reason (among many) that I love PC products. They are ALL the correct pH for the job they are doing. You would be surprised how many very well known skin care lines do not have the correct pH for their cleansers or chemical exfoliants. For instance. Chemical exfoliants exfoliate best in a pH of 3-4 but many well know companies put the exfoliants in a base of 5 which makes it useless, because it cannot exfoliate at that pH. I have pH strips all over my home and work. But who walks around with those if they aren't in the business? Some companies have even refused to give me pH info claiming it was proprietary info. That is crazy.

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you got a credit for the serum you weren't crazy about.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Thanks again so much!!! I'm keeping the serum and just using it more sparingly. I'm a "if a little is good a lot is better" sort of person so I have to kick it back a notch or two. I seem fine with it now.

I placed one order for daughter and qualified for the eye shadow palette and then placed one for myself with a few more Resist items, I'm interested in seeing how the 10% Weekly treatment works! And re-ordered the Barrier Repair Moisturizer.

My doctor's office called today and with my last blood work . . . my thyroid levels were a little low so they called me in some 120's instead of the 90's I've been taking so I hope to get a little more pep in my step. Before the 90's he had me on 120's every day except T-Th and I took 90's on those days then he bumped me down to 7 x 90's per week. At least he watches and tweaks it when necessary.

I hope you have a most WONDERFUL New Years trip to North Carolina!!!! I got both my Shelties from NC. Drove and got one . .. and then a year later flew and picked up my second one as she wouldn't just ship without meeting me first and sending him to a stranger.

Thanks again!

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Posts: 610
Registered: ‎07-03-2010
On 12/26/2014 Irshgrl31201 said:
On 12/26/2014 redhead handbag queen said: I was going to start a thread to you also, I purchased the AHA and BHA gels and the acne products from Paula's Choice upon your recommendation on a beauty thread about two months ago and my skin has never looked better! I even got the acne products for my daughter for Christmas! Thanks again Irshgrl!!!

Oh my goodness, I am so happy to hear that Redheadhandbagqueen! That is great. I love it when I can help someone out but I LOVE it when I hear that something I have recommended has worked out well.

Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know that you had success with those products. It really means a lot to me!

I also want to say to others that have taken a recommendation that they haven't found the same success, please keep writing to me because not everything works for everyone and I want to keep going until they find something that works for them.

Again, RHHBQ, thanks so much for letting me know!! Let me know how the acne product work for your daughter. Which products did you get for her and is she using the AHA and BHAs as well?

I'm so sorry I couldn't reply until now, we were up on the north shore and let me just say the Wi-Fi was iffy at best.

I talked to me daughter tonight and she said she thought it was working so that's good. I also told her to lay off the make up, she doesn't do anything without it Smiley Sad. I got her the extra strength Cleanser, Exfoliating Solution, Clearing Treatment and a trial size of the BHA Gel.

I'm glad to be back home as the water up north really did a number on my skin. In addition the products above I have been using the Resist C15 Super Booster, Retinol Treatment (1%) and the Skin Balancing Serum, not every time or even every day. I also use the Skin Balancing Cleanser-Oil Reducing. I use the Skinn Stem Rejen, it's the first moisturizer that I've found that isn't too heavy and doesn't cause breakouts.

This sota girl says pop, duck, duck, gray duck and loves tater tot hotdish