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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

[ Edited ]

I haven't been around as long as some, I was not here for what some consider the "golden days" of QVC---Kathy Levine, Judy Crowell, Mike Rowe etc etc.....I realize that companies have to change with the times (it seems collectibles, Victorian items, quilts, wicker baskets are no longer popular), HOWEVER, there are some changes that actually set a company back (just ask JC Penney)...............


QVC won't be successful offering products you can find locally or at other online retailers with better prices and shipping charges. 


Another complaint-Limited merchandise and the SAME rotation of products, especially on weekends.  This is scaring established customers away--seen it, dont need it, don't watch and don't buy!  And QVC counting on a prospective customer flipping through channels and happening upon a product they need won't get them many sales especially when many are leaving cable and using alternate methods to get programming.


I think most customers just want to see more variety and more competitive pricing, more unique merchandise. And I hate to bring it up, but some hosts need some tweaking in their presentations too.......NOW THOSE ARE CHANGES FOR THE GOOD.........


Now the Q hard core fans will counter it most be working for them, and it must be profitable, so thats why they keep doing it....that's incorrect---revenues and profits have declined at both QVC & HSN. ..they need to implement changes that work--good for the customer, good for QVC!

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

I have been a devoted Q shopper since 1991....long time. I have seen a LOT of changes...some good and some not so good. The biggest change for me has been the hosts and getting used to them. I will admit I rarely watch anymore but order online.


Everything changes.....just life.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was


I have been so disappointed in the offerings these last few years. So many designers gone and replaced with cheaper. I wonder if Amazon is the reason and if QVC will survive?


I'm disappointed also.  I've also noticed shipping/handling is increasing like it used to be.  



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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

Yes, everything changes and that includes QVC. However, hopefully changes are for the better - QVC is not changing for the better - sadly it just keeps getting poorer.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

I truly have nothing new to add to most of the comments already here. Time does change things - as it should. I started with CVN before it became QVC - yes the hosts changed etc. Got thru all of that but when the professionals left it got difficult. I think of Steve C, Molly who could strum a great guitar - wonder where she is now. Of course Kathy, and many others. Some I was not overly fond of but must admit I watched them as they did well with the products. My goodness, where are they all now?


And of course a lot of the people who where there with their products or the company they represented are no longer here and that is sad. Time does make a point of of losing friends, family and good people on TV. such is life I guess. Wish I could remember all the names - have not forgotten a face but I am older than dirt so what can I say.I rarely watch any more - just do not like the commentary I hear there but then that probably is me. At one time ordered most all my professional work clothes - they had the best. Now that I am retired I do not need those things any more but they sure had great clothes. Still a few things I continue to order but alas, they no longer seem to have the all white Breezies cotton panties. Ordered them for years and still like them - cannot find white ones any more. Sigh. Have a great evening everyone.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was


I am always amused at those that tout change as inevitable and appear to diminish some people's lament for stability.  I guess that is why so many cosmetics are sold as an anti aging panacea, because of the advent of change marching over our faces, or botox. The cosmetics industry is a multi billion dollar industry dedicated to stopping the change of aging. Sigh, be that as it may, in keeping with the OP spirit of the thread, I was cleaning out my closets getting ready for the 'Change' to Spring when I stumbled upon a jacket from Dialogue. Does anyone recall that brand? Still looked as good as new and fit. I took it out and am going to wear it. Yea.

@Deanie   Ahhhhh, Dialogue, loved it and Motto!


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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

Yes, things change over time.  Some change for the better and some worse.  For me, QVC has changed for the worse.  It's just the same old  same old over and over again.  Watching QVC kind of used to be like going to the mall.  Lots of different stores with different merchandise.  Now it's like only shopping at Walmart and only buying their store brand.  I also find many of the hosts (both new and more senior) hard to watch and listen to. They also never used to have a guest on with the host to sell every single item.  I have to laugh when Mary Beth is on there with the Diamonique woman oohing and ahhing over every item and talking like she's never seen the product before.  LOL, she's been selling it for decades!


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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

I have been watching since about 2005.


I think the hyper, over the top, talking, from the hosts is not a change for the better.


I hardly watch at all anymore.  I do browse online, but less than when I posted more on the boards.  Since the silly babysitting on the boards and taking people's posts away, I don't even read the boards every day anymore.



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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

I do feel that the Q has changed immensely and I have changed too. Back when I began watching I was a young stay-at-home mom. My life consisted of taking care of kids with the tv on. I thought everything they showed on QVC was wonderful! But the concept of buying off the tv was new. Years later I am now retired and never shop with them. I have learned that their prices are outrageous, I refuse to pay for shipping, I only shop sales and the main part is I would rather shop local to support my own in my area. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

In the last few years, I've only watched during the all day gold days and bits of the gem shows.  I'm totally bored with the other items shown week after week after week after week.  I'm also bored with some of the gem and gold shows since they offer so many cheap, flimsy items.