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Qvc nothing like it once was

I have been so disappointed in the offerings these last few years. So many designers gone and replaced with cheaper. I wonder if Amazon is the reason and if QVC will survive?

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

@Pargy  I agree with the disappointment of QVC offerings.  Lately I have also been so disappointed in the quality of items I have received (mostly cosmetics).  I no longer buy clothing from QVC except for the Linea line.   I love kitchen/cooking items, but they just show the same old items over and over.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

Oh, please.  Time marches on.  Nothing in life is as it once was.  I'm actually enjoying the gem shows.  I'm not buying because the prices for the pieces I like are too high.  I can do better elsewhere.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

Linea clothing is well made. I haven't purchased from Bob Mackie in a few years, but I thought his garments were also top quality.  Yesterday I cleaned out a closet that had some beautiful Quacker Factory blouses with button covers that Jeanne Bice used to sell. You don't find that quality now.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

My husband was in the jewelry business, i know good quality from not good.

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was


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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

QVC is not what it once was.


Neither are you, neither am I, neither is anything or anyone. Change is an inevitable part of life. Some we like, some we don’t, but it doesn’t matter because there isn’t anything we can do about it. Move on is the answer for some, not necessary for others.



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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

No, QVC is nothing like it once was.  Way back when, qvc didn't even sell clothing. You had to call when an item was live on the air. And there was no tracking, internet or forums.  Personally I'm glad its not the same as it once was.   Smiley Wink

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." - Stephen Hawking

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Re: Qvc nothing like it once was

I am always amused at those that tout change as inevitable and appear to diminish some people's lament for stability.  I guess that is why so many cosmetics are sold as an anti aging panacea, because of the advent of change marching over our faces, or botox. The cosmetics industry is a multi billion dollar industry dedicated to stopping the change of aging. Sigh, be that as it may, in keeping with the OP spirit of the thread, I was cleaning out my closets getting ready for the 'Change' to Spring when I stumbled upon a jacket from Dialogue. Does anyone recall that brand? Still looked as good as new and fit. I took it out and am going to wear it. Yea.