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@queendiva wrote:

The bed is made every day. My small dog sleeps on it all day and I don' want dirt & dog hair anywhere but on the comforter- certainly not on my pillows, sheets & blanket.

In addition, my bedroom is on the first floor and near the front entrance. I don't want an unmade bed to be seen by a guest.


Not always made when I had an upstairs bedroom. The dogs did not go upstairs.


I always made my bed every morning, but that has changed now because of one of my dogs. Two of my 3 dogs sleep with me, & one of them is 12 now & he sleeps in pretty late every day.  Sometimes he doesn't get up till noon!  I can't believe his bladder can hold it for that long (I let all the dogs out for potty for the night around 10 PM, then they each get a Mintie treat...I figure it's like brushing their teeth before bed)!  Anyway, sometimes it's late afternoon by the time I get back upstairs & see my unmade bed, so I fix it up & get it ready for the night.

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@Still Raining wrote:

Always pull back all the blankets and leave it for a few hours to air.  Of course it sometimes airs all day 😂.  But no matter what it does get made before I get into it.  A little OCD that way.


I do exactly the same . 😆


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If making my bed took 5 minutes, I'd never do it.  Smiley Happy  That seems like a long time to make a bed.  On occasion it might take me a full minute to get the sheets and blanket/comforter nice and smooth and in place. I don't like decorative pillows etc on my bed so it's easy and quick.  

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Yes I make it everyday.  

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Re: Question of the day

[ Edited ]

I used to make my bed most days and after a news segment a few years ago I do leave it unmade t.Woman Embarassed  They talked about how you should leave the bedding pulled down so it can totally dry from any moisture and the drying will dehydrate dust mites and they will die off. Keeping the sheets wide open will help their demise. Dust mites feed on the scales of human skin and we leave some of that behind when we sleep!Woman Frustrated

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I used to make my bed every day.  Now, I do not. I don't think my husband would take kindly to me making the bed while he is still in it. Smiley Happy


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I would if I lived alone, I'd only make it if I was expecting company.   

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@jannabelle1 wrote:

I make the bed everyday....has nothing to do with the 1950s! I don't like the look of sheets, pillows and comforter all over the bed from the previous night! To each her own!

Me too.

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Yes, I make the bed almost as soon as I get up - unless one of us is sick and needs to stay in it.  The room then looks tidy and relaxing every time I pass thru it during the day.  I'm also a fanatic about changing the sheets often.

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My SO used to but I have far more important things to do.  Who sees it anyway?