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Re: Question for those retired

dh and i are both retirement age. dh still works full time, he does not want to sit around the house twiddling thumbs. place where he works is keeping him on keeps him super busy.


i do not work anymore.


we are up at 445am every day. i get all chores completed before 10am, still clean my house fully daily. i get my miles morn walk in between 10-1030am, computer time, lunch,rest time and back out the door at 3pm for my second 1 mile walk.


keeps me moving.


dh and i usually am in bed before 11pm sometimes dh may stay up till midnight if he is ingrossed in something on t.v..


some nights are great sleeping others not so good. if i take a nap during the day between 1-3pm i do find i have trouble falling asleep at night. I try to keep awake all day long so i sleep well at night.

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Re: Question for those retired

I'm up around 7 am-ish.  Depending on my schedule that day I may have time for an afternoon nap.  


I'm really not a morning person.  I go to bed late - generally around midnight.   Adding naps ... I do get 8 hours sleep.

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Re: Question for those retired

Boy we could be twins. That is me down to a T 😀
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Re: Question for those retired

@sissel wrote:

 I record so many tv shows & love late nite seems my husband is an early bird. It works for us. Now all his 10 suits that he never wears need to go, if I can get him to part with that would be something. Why is he hanging on to them.? I can see hanging to at least 3 of them. How about the 20 ties he has? Yep hang on you never know! I got rid of so much in closets. He won't part with his clothes. 

We have separate walk in closets - he keepos his as he wishes and I keep mine. Creats peace on Earth. We have always had separate closets our whole marriage.

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Re: Question for those retired

[ Edited ]



i thought my husband was the only one left who reads newspaper.  he's a early riser & waits for the delivery person.  It takes him hours to read a paper 1/2" thick every other page is ads🙄


And he gets to watch all those shows he dvr's in peace since I don't watch anything he does!  By the time I get up his day is 1/2 over then he goes golfing 4-5 days/week.


We live in a golf community & yes, we are in "no mans land" except for banks, walgreens & Publix.  Anything else  a mall or movie theatre, good restaurants 1/2-45 minutes away or more☹️


Although, they are building thousands of homes, senior housing, apartments within 15 minutes from us no golf course communities.  


These homes are huge and start at $295,000-over million - have no idea whose buying them but they are selling quickly.  Most are self contained communities with schools, banks, stores, etc.




yes all the activities here cost $.  water aerobics, line dancing, zumba, stain glass lessons, jewelry desig, etc range from $5-15/session.  Some of these activities are3-4/week.


And even I brought my "work" clothes but finally donated them to dress for success and other programs.


Him: nope guess he's just waiting for that opportunity to wear his police uniform(s)....oh if he would only get a job at least he would put them to good use!  After 27 years retired i don't think he's going back to work anytime soon.... I have tried to toss them he can't ...🙄 maybe this year!!!!





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Re: Question for those retired

[ Edited ]

Asleep by 10, followed by five to six hours of sound sleep. After that, it is a more restless sleep until we get up at 5:30. While DH is at work, I sometimes take a half-hour afternoon nap (wish I could have managed that when I was working for 37 years).

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Re: Question for those retired

I usually go to bed around midnight and get up at 8.

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Re: Question for those retired

I go to bed at 11-11:30 p.m.  Takes forever to fall asleep,  then up every 2 hours and go to the bathroom. Sometimes around 4 I just can't go back to sleep so I get up and read till around 6 or so.  Back to bed till about 8:30...I am 72 and do have lots of time it's the pain that keeps me awake.   Usually need a nap around 3 in the afternon...usually that sleep is better than what I had all night long.  At least I am retired and can take a nap when I want to. Even when I worked a full time job and part time on the weekend I never really slept well. It's such a curse.  My hubby can fall asleep anywhere and sleeps like a teenager...LOL!

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Registered: ‎10-12-2016

Re: Question for those retired

I'm not too off from my working days schedule. I watch the 11:00 p.m. news and in bed by 11:30. When I was working I was up at 7:00 a.m., but now usually I "sleep" until 8:00 a.m. The reason for the quotes around sleep is ever since menopause, sleep has been pretty elusive so I lay in bed until 8:00 a.m. One day last week I actually took my first nap since retiring in 2015 and felt guilty about it - I need to learn to lighten up on myself as I'm my own worst critic and enemy.
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Re: Question for those retired

[ Edited ]

Even though I'm retired I'm still a morning person.  It's in my DNA. I usually go to bed between 8 -9 pm and I’m usually up between 3 -5 am.  My husband is the complete opposite, a night owl.  Many times he’s coming to bed as I’m getting up for the day.  It works for us.  It gives us each our quiet time, mine first thing in the morning and his late at night.   I love the outdoors so at dawn I head out for my early morning walks.  It’s my favorite time of day, so quiet and peaceful.