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Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar



I agree with all.   If it was a gift from someone, I would think you would go back to them and ask for all the information they used to purchase it.


There's no reason for you to do all the work when you don't have any information confirming the purchase, where it was purchased and anything else associated with the purchase.


Certainly it's not the Q's fault nor should they accept any blame.



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Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

[ Edited ]

I did write that I do have the information and sent it to the company. It was on the paperwork sent with the card. After researching the company, they are not rated well on BBB with many complaints.  Would like to talk with QVC about why they are using a third party company with many complaints about them scamming people when for years we could call or order online directly thru QVC. They no longer sell their own gift cards thru their site or a customer service call. QVC customer service is much easier to deal with then this third party. 

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Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

How frustrating to have a nice gift card and not be able to use it. A couple of sounds like the Q doesn't want to mess with issuing gift cards (the plastic version). If they did, they would need to purchase a large supply of them (get them embossed) and then send them out in the mail to purchasers. (I think it's easier at a B&M store because the sale is handled in each store.)


It's easier to turn the entire transaction over to a 3rd party vendor and let them handle it. The problem seems to be the unreliable vendor, and with all of the complaints it looks like a different vendor would be a better choice. Word of mouth about a company or product carries a lot of weight. In this case, both for the card issuer and the product, i.e. after following your post, I would not purchase a Q gift card as a gift for anyone.

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Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar



So you want a replacement gift card and you want the pin number to use e-mailed to you.



Sorry, that's a scam alert.   Who's to say you won't sell the gift card and as long as the pin number isn't scratched off, it appears to be a valid card.



I'm sure the company is researching the numbers from the gift card to see if it was used already, sounds like that's what happened.


Actually I would give the entire mess back to the person who gifted this to you and let them handle it, usually companies do not deal with recipients, only the buyers.

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

[ Edited ]

@Just Bling wrote:



So you want a replacement gift card and you want the pin number to use e-mailed to you.



Sorry, that's a scam alert.   Who's to say you won't sell the gift card and as long as the pin number isn't scratched off, it appears to be a valid card.



I'm sure the company is researching the numbers from the gift card to see if it was used already, sounds like that's what happened.


Actually I would give the entire mess back to the person who gifted this to you and let them handle it, usually companies do not deal with recipients, only the buyers.



I sent the company the Order number and all the information that the QVC customer service told me I would need. Cashstar should be able to check whether this card was used or not...which it hasn't been since I have no PIN. 

They could then make the card I have invalid and replace either by email OR send another. I'm not a scammer and would never do the things you have suggested. I would like it if they would send a replacement by email so the PIN wouldn't need to be scratched off again, it would be written in the email instead.

Was hoping not to stress the person who sent it unless necessary, the person is elderly, they would feel terrible, would like to try to handle this myself if possible. If I can't after trying, will call to let the sender know what happened. Will give it a week and see what happens. 



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Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

@sonson   I constantly get $100 "gift card" offers in my email.  It is a scam and has nothing to do with a third party.  I ignore these offers.  Sorry this happened to you.

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

Cashstar got back to me and said QVC handles it...QVC says Cashstar can handle...don't trust this Cashstar company....many bad reviews in BBB and on these forums! 
I did contact the sender and happy that she didn't pay her credit card company yet...she will call and dispute the charge. 

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Posts: 180
Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

Called QVC corporate headquarters and they resolved it. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 781
Registered: ‎03-25-2010

Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

@Just Bling wrote:



I agree with all.   If it was a gift from someone, I would think you would go back to them and ask for all the information they used to purchase it.


There's no reason for you to do all the work when you don't have any information confirming the purchase, where it was purchased and anything else associated with the purchase.


Certainly it's not the Q's fault nor should they accept any blame.



It is the Q's fault for using Cashstar - they have been called out before the pandemic for using this company to issue their gift cards. QVC use to do it themselves, but like alot of company are now outsourcing it and if you are going to do that you need to use a reliable company as the Q's name is on that gift card.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 180
Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Re: QVC gift card Third Party Cashstar

@debfau wrote:

@Just Bling wrote:



I agree with all.   If it was a gift from someone, I would think you would go back to them and ask for all the information they used to purchase it.


There's no reason for you to do all the work when you don't have any information confirming the purchase, where it was purchased and anything else associated with the purchase.


Certainly it's not the Q's fault nor should they accept any blame.



It is the Q's fault for using Cashstar - they have been called out before the pandemic for using this company to issue their gift cards. QVC use to do it themselves, but like alot of company are now outsourcing it and if you are going to do that you need to use a reliable company as the Q's name is on that gift card.

Agree with you 100%. No one should go thru what I went thru to try to get this fixed. All morning back and forth,  was transferred from QVC to Cashstar back to QVC...3 way calls between all of us. All to get transferred back to QVC and told again they can't help. Cashstar even said they don't have PIN numbers on the cards. QVC requires a PIN number to use it online! 
I called QVC corporate headquarters, within 5 minutes of their call back, they had added the money to my account and problem solved. In the end Cashstar did was QVC who gave me the credit. Cashstar gave me a defective card with no PIN. I told the sender what happened and we both won't ever buy a QVC card again. I wrote this to inform others about their gift cards after reading about this company they are using. QVC has always had great customer service, very surprised they are using Cashstar as their source for gift cards.