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Posts: 952
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

There's always a poll asking our opinion. But when a thread is started where not one poster cared for the host presenting with Valerie you delete the thread. Many of us have watched Valerie for the full 21 years. We're used to the calm presentations especially with Lisa Mason. Would it be too much to ask that you provide a host for her shows that is in line with her low key manner. I realize hosts are on vacation and you're short staffed right now. I guess I'll just start submitting my complaints directly to you. So do you want our opinion or not.....Maybe I missed a post but I didn't see anything on that thread that looked offensive.

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Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

Your implication that QVC deletes critical posts is simply incorrect. We see critical posts all the time -- many dealing with hosts' presentation styles. Posts and threads are eliminated because of violations of the board stands -- standards which all users must agree to in order to participate; unfortunately, many people are unable to act like adults, and this is why we see threads disappear.

In regards to our opinions, yes, I am sure QVC has an interest; however, bear in mind the only opinion that matters in the end is money. While a tiny percentage of participants on QVC's forums may complain about something, when thousands upon thousands of others are spending money and purchasing items during these supposedly awful presentations, whose opinions really matter.

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Posts: 952
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

I disagree they simply deleted this thread because people complained about one of their hosts. There was nothing on that thread that was offensive or violated their rules. These threads represent what others are thinking and maybe calling to complain about. What we used to do in the past. In fact, I've never seen a thread where everyone was in agreement and no real nastiness.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

I took a look at their plans regarding the surveys, and this is what they said on this topic:

"Community Update

. . .The negative posts we are most concerned with are the posts that are nasty (i.e. personal attacks). Community members are welcome to share a negative review about a product or brand, unhappiness with programming, and even share displeasure with a host. But nasty comments will be removed and may result in the author being permanently banned. Those who took the survey share our interest in removing the nasty comments directed towards fellow Community members and hosts, see the results here. . ."

As I said before, I haven't seen any changes since the surveys other than the removal of access to Members Online, and I still think they didn't conduct the polls in a way to allow the majority of regular posters to participate.

I posted my views on their blog post (which still is open for comments if anyone is interested in expressing their opinions directly to the moderators at this link:

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

I think one of the people responding works for QVC since the vast majority of their posts defend and elaborate on QVC policy. Wish they would identify themselves as employees when they post here.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎09-28-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

The problem with the threads complaining about a host are that QVC bases their opinion on hosts on sales during their shows, not on the endless complainer threads. Every host has people who like and enjoy them and people who can't stand the sight and/or sound of them. That's why QVC has so many different personalities and schedules vendors with different hosts throughout the day.

Fine, some of you can't stand the ground Albany walks on. Basically TOO BAD! Don't watch her show, wait for a different hour and different host.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,812
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

milly, no they don't and don't spit into the wind... lol

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎09-28-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

On 8/12/2014 chessylady said: I think one of the people responding works for QVC since the vast majority of their posts defend and elaborate on QVC policy. Wish they would identify themselves as employees when they post here.

It was stated that QVC employees WOULD identify themselves as employees. Simply because some participants here are aware of the policies and shares that knowledge with people bent on demanding that their opinions regarding a host or subject are more important than thousands of other customers who probably don't even know about the existence of this forum doesn't make them a QVC employee. It makes them an intelligent reasonable human being.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 952
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

On 8/12/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 8/12/2014 chessylady said: I think one of the people responding works for QVC since the vast majority of their posts defend and elaborate on QVC policy. Wish they would identify themselves as employees when they post here.

It was stated that QVC employees WOULD identify themselves as employees. Simply because some participants here are aware of the policies and shares that knowledge with people bent on demanding that their opinions regarding a host or subject are more important than thousands of other customers who probably don't even know about the existence of this forum doesn't make them a QVC employee. It makes them an intelligent reasonable human being.

Since you are the expert on all things QVC you should apply for the webbie's position. Or are you related to Albany or are you Albany?? It's based on sales figures well then I now understand why she was the host. Since no one enjoyed her hosting and like Valerie you have to endure her to watch the show. But thanks, expert, as I'll do my ordering now in an hour that a calm professional host is on.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

Re: QVC Do you really value our opinion!!

On 8/12/2014 dooBdoo said:

I took a look at their plans regarding the surveys, and this is what they said on this topic:

"Community Update

. . .The negative posts we are most concerned with are the posts that are nasty (i.e. personal attacks). Community members are welcome to share a negative review about a product or brand, unhappiness with programming, and even share displeasure with a host. But nasty comments will be removed and may result in the author being permanently banned. Those who took the survey share our interest in removing the nasty comments directed towards fellow Community members and hosts, see the results here. . ."

As I said before, I haven't seen any changes since the surveys other than the removal of access to Members Online, and I still think they didn't conduct the polls in a way to allow the majority of regular posters to participate.

I posted my views on their blog post (which still is open for comments if anyone is interested in expressing their opinions directly to the moderators at this link:

And as of today, there are still some nasty comments being made that are still being shown. This hasn't changed...... Maybe the moderators haven't had a meeting about this yet.......