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Publix meatball problem discovered !

Looked forward to our snowbird stay in FL and the great meatballs from Publix....which caused me to stop making them: theirs were better !


DH made spaghetti with their meatballs our first night down here....I cut in to one and then tried the other.  I thought they were still frozen on the middle.  Nope !  Put the first bite aside and tried the other meatball: same disaster !


When he showed me the pan and baking rack, I saw the problem:  there wasn't a drop of fat although he had cooked all 12 meatballs.  Publix gave him the money back but said nothing when he explained the issue.  Later that week he went in to talk to the meat manager.


The real story: Earlier this year Publix stopped making their own meatballs and now have outside meatballs delivered to them frozen.  Another example of how quality goes down when a successful company or product is sold.


Guess I may have to go back to making them myself or trek up to BJ's for the Rosina-bagged small meatballs they carry that are very similar.   Enter take a large cooler with ice packs because I am not revisiting home-mad

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

As a Publix meatball lover i was sad to see your post.


But I wanted to tell you that one day my husband went to pick up the meatballs and there were none.  He asked the butcher if there were any in the back and the butcher said to buy the pre-made meatloaf.  It was exactly the same recipe.  My husband bought the meatloaf, I rolled it into meatballs and it WAS the exact same flavor.

I don't know if they have stopped making the meatloaf, will have  to check.


Recently I discovered Mama Mancini's meatballs in BJ's for $14.99.  If you are a member, you might check them out.  They are delicious! 

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

@FLtricia   The post made me sad too!  It's so hard to find good meatballs.  Most of the frozen I've bought are terrible.  That's a great value on the Mama Mancini meatballs...but alas, we have no BJ's 😟.  Hopefully, that's a good sign though.  Every food vendor at the Q has a main goal of going mainstream.  So maybe, I'll see them at Kroger.  I find Corky's there all the time.

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

I know from my sister who lives in Florida that some Publix do carry Mama Mancini meatballs.


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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

DH makes meatballs with the grass fed hamburger we buy at the farm. They are so good. DH also eats them with spaghetti. He prefers his spaghetti sauce made with a pound of hamburger instead of eating meatballs with it. 

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

Even though it's a lot of work, I always liked my mother's meatball recipe cooked from scratch. Best I ever had!

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

@Nightowlz   I prefer my spaghetti sauce with ground beef too.  I also like the meatballs just to add in as extra lol 

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

We don't have Publix stores here so have no idea why they were so good. I've never purchased a meatball. I've always made them from scratch.

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

... I've never purchased a meatball. I've always made them from scratch.

I've tried every brand of store-bought meatball out there, and they all taste more like bread and fillers than actual meat.


I make mine from scratch, and it takes just a few minutes to mix the ingredients and roll them out. Woman Wink

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Re: Publix meatball problem discovered !

I have never had a pre-made store bought or restaurant meatball that I've liked.


They all have a weird taste and texture to them and none taste like home or even come close.