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Re: Proud and happy for my son

On 3/13/2015 tansy said: Good for him! I hope he'll be close bySmiley Happy

LOL, tansy, yes, he's only going to be about a 10 minute drive away.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

That is wonderful. You have every right to be proud - and happy.

I wish him years of happiness in his new home.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

On 3/13/2015 HisElk said:
On 3/13/2015 tansy said: Good for him! I hope he'll be close bySmiley Happy

LOL, tansy, yes, he's only going to be about a 10 minute drive away.

PerfectSmiley Happy

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

On 3/13/2015 LucyGoose said:

That's very good, OP! So, you have a 19 year old son, too? It sounds like you have done a very good job raising your children. Smile

Yep, LucyGoose, he's turning 20 on 4/15. The funny thing is, well, not really funny, both of my sons lived with their dad (I use that term loosely) after we divorced from 21 years. He wanted them to live with him and of course, I ended up paying child support which turned into "dad's money" to spend. He never even had food in the refrigerator that they could eat as they would put post-it notes on the food with their names on it. The boys took pictures of the inside of the frig and sure enough, there were the notes with everyone else's names on them. It was very frustrating for me.

When they graduated from high school and turned 18, he decided he didn't want them to be living with him and his wife (along with her kids) anymore, so he kicked them out (remember the child support stopped).

Both of them were not doing well in their lives; my oldest son had a part time job, but youngest had no interest in anything other than sitting around the house.

There were ground rules set upon them moving in and everything would be good until their dad would call them and things fell apart. My husband and I were the ones to have to deal with it and we decided it was in their best interest if they did not speak to him anymore while they were living with us so that we could concentrate on getting both of them back on track again and they agreed.

I'm sure they both missed talking to him, but for the time they lived with him, he really never spent any time with either of them and the time(s) he did, it was a lecture about what they were doing wrong in life. My oldest has come such a long way and now realizes that while he loves his dad, he doesn't always "lilke" him.

My soon to be 20 year old told me the other day that he's really happier living here with us and grateful for what we are helping him to accomplish. He went to trucking school to get his CDL and is now working full time doing what he loves.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

On 3/13/2015 Dell said:

Good job Mom. Isn't it wonderful when our children do something that just makes us so proud? Especially in my opinion when they have had learning difficulties and overcome them with much hard work and determination.

Yes, Dell, it's even more of a reason to be so proud, with the learning difficulties. I appreciate your kind words.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

On 3/13/2015 HisElk said:

Yes, Dell, it's even more of a reason to be so proud, with the learning difficulties. I appreciate your kind words.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

My children are doing well. My daughter is married and works at a HMO as a Medical Asst. and her son turned one year old in January. My son lives with his Dad and takes welding classes at a Junior College. He got his first part-time job last summer. He started driving after high school but it was when he wanted to, he was fine with walking and taking the bus up until that point. He has a long way to go but is on his way. Thanks for asking and congratulations to your son and you as the Mom who helped carry him along the way through very tough times.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

How heartwarming and exciting!! Congratulations to both of you! It was always my prayer that my children would grow up to be decent and kind adults. Anything extra would be the frosting on the cake! You can be so proud of him and all the help and love you have shown him.

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

Good for your son and the mother who raised him. I really like reading stories about youngsters that were raised to be independent and to work for things that they want for their lives. You should be proud of him and I would be surprised yes his achievements in the future what also not be things of which you can also be proud. I thank you for sharing this happy story.
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Re: Proud and happy for my son

Wonderful news HisElk! A job well done! Thanks for sharing the good news. LM

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Re: Proud and happy for my son

Congrats to your son! That is rather young to be buying a first house, and what discipline to save that much at such a young age. You have every right to be proud of him. And it has to make you feel good to know that he is responsible and able to take care of himself this well. It takes a load off of us, when we know they are making good decisions (saving money, working hard) and can provide for themselves. We won't be around forever, and it it comforting to see them grow in this way.

I, personally, love when a mom comes on these boards with something positive and uplifting about their children (adult or otherwise). Thanks for the great post.