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Yesterday I ran over my glasses with the car.  I won't go into the story too long, but the positive part, my lenses are OK.

I will call the vision center tomorrow and see if they can be repaired and attach to lenses.  If not, I am wearing glasses from five years ago and have to wait until June 1, 2022 until my insurance for next year kicks in to get new exam and glasses. 

I understand if you have old frames they can install the lenses in them.  I say this because I had a friend who would go to goodwill to hunt glass frames to install her lenses.

I have frames, just like the ones that broke and I think it might work.  I'm staying positive.  If I had broken the lenses, it would be all over.

What a way to start New Year.  I was so happy I finally had a good week, and it was a stupid mistake.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Prescription Glass frames

If you have the same frames from a few years ago have you tried popping the lenses into those frames until you can get in?  DD used to pop her lenses out of the frames all the time when she was little and I would just pop them back in.

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Re: Prescription Glass frames

If I were you, I would just buy a new pair now from Costco - without insurance. Costco is much, much cheaper than just a out any other place for glasses.... And they're just fine. Even if you have to buy a Costco membership, you would still come out way ahead. Your vision is important.

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Re: Prescription Glass frames

do you have a copy of your prescription? i'm asking because for years, i had my glasses made in my eye doctor's office. the frames were very pricey, and i was never happy with them. i found the frames are super affordable. you choose the frame you like, make some measurements, send it in with your prescription, and they'll mail it to you in like 2 weeks. i'm very satisfied and have had no complaints so far. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Prescription Glass frames


@Wsmom wrote:

If you have the same frames from a few years ago have you tried popping the lenses into those frames until you can get in?  DD used to pop her lenses out of the frames all the time when she was little and I would just pop them back in.

   They have some kind of wire hanging on the lenses that fell out, but not broken.  I am calling for appt tomorrow.  Thank you for answering.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Prescription Glass frames

[ Edited ]

@qvcaddition , Very good...fingers crossed!

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Prescription Glass frames


@freakygirl wrote:

do you have a copy of your prescription? i'm asking because for years, i had my glasses made in my eye doctor's office. the frames were very pricey, and i was never happy with them. i found the frames are super affordable. you choose the frame you like, make some measurements, send it in with your prescription, and they'll mail it to you in like 2 weeks. i'm very satisfied and have had no complaints so far. 

If all else fails. I'm hoping they can put lenses in the frames. To me they seem like it would work. Will know soon. 

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Re: Prescription Glass frames

[ Edited ]

@qvcaddition My new puppy chewed up my glasses when we first brought him home.  I found the same frames on ezcontacts dot com and the lenses were free.  I just entered my prescription when I placed the order. 

They came a couple of days ago and are exactly the same as my previous ones.  I did not use insurance and they still cost less than my previous ones that were paid for using insurance at the eye doctor's.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Prescription Glass frames

My question is---will the lenses fit into new frames? thought thats how works--lenses are fitted into new frames-----not the other way around--otherwise how on earth would all those eye drs make their $$ if you could just go out and buy any ole frame??? Eyewear is so overpriced it should be criminal Woman Sad

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,746
Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Re: Prescription Glass frames

This happened to me once-- the frame broke, and l wanted to keep the lenses and buy a new frame for them. As long as the new frame is smaller than the old one was, a full-service opticial shop can grind down the lenses to fit the new frame. 

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