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@geezerette : Enjoy your snow. I know you will be inside staying safe and warm.

Trying to make myself get up and do something. DH sound a sleep in my old recliner.

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My snow has stopped   here and we have maybe 2 inches, no ice with it...and it is very light to sweep off steps,sidewalk,etc.


Wow!  Sorry that you are getting so much more snow  and i know that if you do step outside  you will be very careful.....especially i fyou need to shovel it later.😏


Accidents sometimes on highways happen because people forget how to drive safety in it.

Like i'm a driver...and i'm not! 

But  i have listened to so many drivers over many,many years   talk about it..


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Wishing safety and warmth for all my southern friends.  Snow is certainly a big problem in areas that never get it.  It is scary to drive in, and the best advice is to stay home.


We in some states are used to it, but the biggest thing we fear is ice.  Bluebird is good in the snow,  but must stay home in the ice.  Hope no one has lost power.  Wish your Connecticut

hotel was closer.  So bundle up, watch the Telly if you have power.  

We are hoping for some snow where we live - our summers have been warmer and we are deficient in rainfall.  So a decent snow on a weekend would be welcome with some of us.  

We sit here watching the horror show in California.  Between being so dry, and with the Santa Ana winds (some as high as 100 mph), it was a disaster waiting to happen.  Thankfully, the wind it seems has calmed down so that planes are safe to fly to drop water on fires.  I hope and pray for all those who have lost everything, as we always do for anyone everywhere.  One tragedy after another in our country this year, it seems.






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dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart




Agree  soo many sad things happening  that i detest even thinking about watching any tv newsSmiley Frustrated


I did walk with my neighbor yesterday afternoon  and it felt good  and was warmer at 30 degrees out!!!Smiley LOL


I have clothes in my washing machine in basement  about done  and will soon go  and put them into i am exercising my legsSmiley LOL  down/up those steps!


I wonder what our @Yahooey  is cooking today  and if she has made enough to invite us all to her plce  and feed us????

Nothing in my cabinets  or freezers look good to me to eat today...smh.......nope not sick  but just not knowing what to eat!Smiley Frustrated



lubs ya!Heart



preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@Yahooey @cowboy sam @geezerette @PamfromCT : Woke up to 26 outside. I need to get up. 

DD and family to visit on Saturday for about 5 hours. Including DH and I will be 7.

I am almost finished setting everything up in the family room. I have the 8 foot table ready. The grandkids will use two tv tables located near plug ins to charge their various electronics.

I have the coffee bar stocked, fridge filled with favorite sodas. Favorite snacks ordered and all in individual bags. Everything will be set up for self - serve. Using vinyl fitted table cloths , paper plates , cups etc.

  We live 2 minutes from Chick-fil-A their favorite.Food will be picked up and served at home.Told DD no reason to order something to drink ( easier to transport food and save some money).   I need to make a lot of ice. Cleaning ladies scheduled for Tuesday. I have decided to put paper towels in both bathrooms to make it easier for hand washing and quicker clean up. 

Dining table pushed under window with exercise mat still on floor: with special blanket for Grand dog Duke. Thinking this better place for dog bowls for food and water . Plus next to back door : back yard for Duke.

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Girl, you should get a Job as a party planner.  In all your spare time (just a joke).  You never forget a thing, as I am sure Duke will appreciate.  Have a great time!  Unreal the weather in the southern part of our country!  Too bad I live so far away, as a have plenty of warm coats and tons of hats and scarves!

And my Bluebird, who is also used to bad weather driving.


Lubs ha!


@cowboy sam 

I share your attitude about the news.  I only watch when I feel I have to.  I do like to watch documentaries, some movies, and such.  Cartoons may be next!


Lubs ya!





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@PamfromCT : Laughing: Me retired. Just trying to make everything easier for me. 

I found a good deal on Amazon for " to go coffee cups" . Ordered them and hoping to prevent any spills from drinking coffee and hot chocolate. DH ex-wife drinks coffee 24/7  and very  messy and prefers pots of coffee: Told DH he will be making the pots of coffee: really for one day : use the kcups.

DD taking care of her mother but in process of trying to put her in nursing home: only 61 but  will not take her medication and a real soap opera. I will be polite but on opposite side of the room but I will set next to DH when we eat and DD will be on DH left side. My cell phone will be in my skirt pocket for any emergency call if necessary. I was hoping DD and family would make the visit after putting her mother in nursing home.

Grand son doing a lot better and apparently accepts help from his moms fiance. He is enrolled on line taking GED classes and taking welding  classes.  Visit should be interesting.

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Now that you are prepared  and ready for family visit  Heart ...

keep calm  and relax  and don't overthink  what might  or could happen Saturday.🤗



lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart

@dooBdoo @SoX @NEvans2 @4kitties @Drythe @JaneMarple @Bri369 @Mj12 @MyShadowLove  @Yahooey @geezerette @SouthernBee @SouthernBee @qualitygal @loveschocolate  


"7"degrees here this morning  and high of "20"degrees today.


Went for a walk around 5:30pm last night  with neighbor friend...mentioned i would like to walk to over priced small grocery we did..


and got there before it closed!

i bought my fav. frozen meal...Banquet Sweet/Sour chicken with rice...took all they had  6 !plus 2 other Banquet meals...then we walked back was brisk walking  Smiley LOL


Enjoy your dayHeart


lubs ya!

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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oops forgot Heart

I also early last night placed a order to Amazon...


1case of 12  cans of Hormel Chili   with turkey   with beans,(was on  sale)


1-  pkg. of Quilted Northern  Ultra  plush toliet paper... 18mega rolls


1-bottle of 500 of coated 200 mg ofAmazon basic care ibuprofen tablets


so now have food,plus  softer tp  and ibuprofen..if i get headache,etc.Smiley LOL


Only thing i need a few gallons of spring drinking water....way too expensive to order from Amazon...Smiley Sad 


so will have to go to wally somehow soon....down to 4 gallons in my basement!


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."