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Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]



size of feet - have your changed?


I have extremely flat feet - have bought custom orthotics and now use a mor commercial generic one


anyway - when I finished growing - my feet were a size 7

that last through my 20s - then it was 7.5

that was another 8 years or so - then it stayed at size 8 until last year

i was bruising my toes - nails were turning colors if i take real long walks for a continuous period of time - so now it is 8.5


what about you?

i know that i have gain and lost weight but it has always been the same 15 lbs

i think they have spread out more bc of the flat feet? age? weight gain?

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@Yahooey Wow.  There's so much work that goes into something like that.  What a beautiful gift Heart

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duh! slapping my forehead!..saying duh@Duh!
tyvm for letting me know ..Smiley Happy
preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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i wish i was on @Yahooey Christmas list for anything she makes  so i love looking at her creations when she shows them to us here.Heart


uh..did you make yourself a smoothie like Mr.Bri did to feel better??


sending you soft ((hugs)))


and hope you get through the "grit" soonHeart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 16,405
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



Glad you are wrapping gifts...

  uh asking for a friend   Smiley Happycan you post a pic of one with your new 3d bows?Heart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 16,405
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@Bri369 @Yahooey @loveschocolate @Mj12 @PamfromCT @momtochloe @Drythe @dooBdoo @SouthernBee @Gooday @SoX @Coquille @Tique @dmod nj @dex @MyShadowLove @NEvans2 @Hippiified 


Good afternoonSmiley Happy


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 14,512
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

@cowboy sam  Hi there!  No smoothies for me.  I don't like them.  LOL


Isn't it nice out today!  It's 54 out.  I don't even have the energy to walk to the mail box.  Smiley Sad



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Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@cowboy sam , good afternoon! 🙂

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Posts: 15,315
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Yahooey , I was once 6.5, then 7, then 7.5.... now back to a size 7. 


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Posts: 15,315
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Bri369 wrote:

@cowboy sam  Hi there!  No smoothies for me.  I don't like them.  LOL


Isn't it nice out today!  It's 54 out.  I don't even have the energy to walk to the mail box.  Smiley Sad



@Bri369 , going to be 60 degrees here tomorrow!


It will take some time to get that energy back from what my DD says.