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I tried to get on wait list.  and use cc on file if it comes back in 45 days.....when i clicked on it  i get a "red banner" saying  i just missed it and now its sold out!!!


I went  and deleted my ccc and then put it back in....and tried again...same message for the grey petite!! grr!


I tried calling the Q  and got auto menu...i put item # in...only tall or large!  I want the smalll one  on wait list!!!


No option to talk to a person!Smiley Sad


However, i found it on" A:  in blue  and petite  has case  but no lights.,or foldup.. for $68.00 free shipping  but pay   tax......hmmm...i put it in my cart..only for now onAmz.



.i hope that i didn't order 2 or 3 on the Q waitlist  but not given any info on it! SMH!!Smiley Sad


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 22,847
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:



I tried to get on wait list.  and use cc on file if it comes back in 45 days.....when i clicked on it  i get a "red banner" saying  i just missed it and now its sold out!!!


I went  and deleted my ccc and then put it back in....and tried again...same message for the grey petite!! grr!


I tried calling the Q  and got auto menu...i put item # in...only tall or large!  I want the smalll one  on wait list!!!


No option to talk to a person!Smiley Sad


However, i found it on" A:  in blue  and petite  has case  but no lights.,or foldup.. for $68.00 free shipping  but pay   tax......hmmm...i put it in my cart..only for now onAmz.



.i hope that i didn't order 2 or 3 on the Q waitlist  but not given any info on it! SMH!!Smiley Sad


lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy sam 


Well, slap me silly!🤦‍♀️ 😆  


I totally forgot about the lights until you mentioned them!  I checked the box the poles came in, and sure enough, they were stuck on the tape on the bottom.  I would have ended up throwing them in the trash if not for your post.  So, thank you!🩷


The lights are pretty tiny, but they might be nice for you if you walk outside when it's getting dark.  I don't anticipate using the poles outside at this point.  They do have replaceable button batteries, but I don't know how long they'll last.

Mine don't fold up, they came full size in a long box.  But they do have a cloth carrying bag.  All in all, pretty simple, which is one of the biggest reasons I wanted them.  I'm trying to get everything as simple as possible!


I checked the Q and it looks like the smaller sizes are completely sold out with no waitlist now.  I guess it's up to you if you want to order from Amazon or wait until the Q gets more stock in.  🤷‍♀️

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Posts: 17,042
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



I guess we helped each mentioning lights on poles  that you then found   for yours,Smiley Very Happy

So where, .how do you put your lights on the poles?



and  then you checking out those poles for me  and letting me know  about no wait list at all now for the small ones....Smiley LOL


uh..painscake sis  called  and wanted me to go see n/p at dr, office...she claims she needed to see n.p. and then was tested for c o v i d, rsv and maybe norv virus...told me she feels good called her daughter later with test results...she has rsv!  and needs a script from a pharmcy.

Lady at dr. told me to stay home  as long as i am not sick!

painscake sis  is upset because shwe wanted me to be tested...smh!


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 22,847
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:



I guess we helped each mentioning lights on poles  that you then found   for yours,Smiley Very Happy

So where, .how do you put your lights on the poles?



and  then you checking out those poles for me  and letting me know  about no wait list at all now for the small ones....Smiley LOL


uh..painscake sis  called  and wanted me to go see n/p at dr, office...she claims she needed to see n.p. and then was tested for c o v i d, rsv and maybe norv virus...told me she feels good called her daughter later with test results...she has rsv!  and needs a script from a pharmcy.

Lady at dr. told me to stay home  as long as i am not sick!

painscake sis  is upset because shwe wanted me to be tested...smh!


lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy sam 


Oh dear!  I sure hope you don't get RSV!  My sister was in the hospital recently for pneumonia and is having a very hard time recovering her strength.  I worry about her.  My doctor is always telling me now not to wait too long to come in and get checked out if I'm not feeling well because he says now that I'm older it doesn't take much for something small to become something big.  Do take it easy, especially with the very cold weather.  If it's going to be bitterly cold here for several days starting Sunday, I imagine you will be even colder.

The lights on the walking poles are very small and have a rubberized band that you just slip around the poles anywhere your want to put them.  Very easy.


Prayers that paincake feels better soon, even if she is a pain.🙏😉


Lubs ya! ❤️

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Posts: 17,042
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



sigh  thankful i'm not sick 


she gave it to her neighbor friend 😡🤬..who is still recovering from breast cancer  and had a double mastectomy.  last of Sept...and is supposed to have a blood test today,etc  to have a scan on her kidneys  for possible cancer next week!Smiley Sad


"Friend" sent me a text on cell phone last night saying that

 painscake sis
sent her adult daughter over to her house last night to check on neiece  was/is verry mad  at her mom!Smiley Frustrated


now now there is "4 of us" very angry at "paincake sis" for not telling us she felt ill last Thursday and  Should have stayed home!


the 4 of us is:


2friends son that lives with her


4- pancakes  sis's daughter 


  I am verry worried  about  our friend's health.!



lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 22,847
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam 


Oh no.  Paincake is always causing problems.  I hope and pray that your friend stays well.  And everyone else that paincake has been around lately.


Stay well, lubs ya! ❤️

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Posts: 17,042
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



I ordered  those walking poles after my last post about painscakes sis.


I got them cheaper by using my credits on  my cc.... free S&H  paying4.48 only cost me $60.80  

Deliverey on Tuesday.


Hey..we are in a heat wave  its 36 degrees now!Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,847
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:



I ordered  those walking poles after my last post about painscakes sis.


I got them cheaper by using my credits on  my cc.... free S&H  paying4.48 only cost me $60.80  

Deliverey on Tuesday.


Hey..we are in a heat wave  its 36 degrees now!Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy sam 


Oh, you decided to get them after all.  That's about what mine cost with shipping and tax.


I tried the lights out on them last night.  I turned all the lights off and looked at them in a mirror.  For such small lights, they're surprisingly bright, especially when they're in the flashing mode.  If you can find them for a reasonable price, you might be interested in getting those too if you use your poles outside when it's dark.


Please let me know if you use them and how you like them.  They might be useful on your walks as well as in the house.


Lubs ya!❤️

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Posts: 17,042
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



went back to amz  and typed name in with2lights and bag...and it took me to the one i even tho not mentioned  lights might be included after all...and poles foldable w/bag....


Tuesday..i will find will be sure to look for lights taped to bottoms..Smiley LOL.


No text back today from friend  on how she was feeling ? or about her bloodwork done or not!Smiley Sad


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,847
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam 


Great!  I hope the lights are included! 🤞


And I hope your friend texts soon to say she's fine. 🙏


Lubs ya!