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the kitty hotel is nicer than some of places i've stayed at

i've stayed at Motel 6 and Motel 8 back in the day

maybe $25/night split among a few people


the room looks very clean and nice paint job

and Winston looks so regal... well, maybe not next to the throne so to speak

but the one looking out at the vista 



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people are crazy on the road - glad u were okay



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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@MyShadowLove : Relieved that you are fine . That was so scary. To bad that a police car wasn't near you. A police officer told us: never open the car door , to move away if possible and do not go anywhere near your home or let anyone follow you home. But of course any or all this information is impossible to remember while you are in the situation and can't think.🙏🤗❤️❤️

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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Good Morning Preds and Friends!


See the source image

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Winston is beautiful!  Heart


That is such a nice place - it's so clean too.  What a view he has.  LOL

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@MyShadowLove : Due to some prescriptions and other issues I have been using decaf coffee and tea for years. My friends say that isn't drinking coffee and laugh or giggle whenever I say that I desperately need coffee. Of course we always have a variety of regular and decaf coffee for friends. The coffee bar provides enough room for coffee, tea, and a variety of hot chocolate. Plus the duo of the regular coffee pot and kcup can quickly prepare what ever was needed. Looks so much better than two coffee pots and electric kettle for hot water and easier to keep clean.🙏🤗❤️☕️☕️☕️

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@PamfromCT : Thanks for sharing the photos. Winston is beautiful and very Blessed.🤗❤️

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Good Morning Preds and Preds very special friends: Happy Labor Day. Enjoy the day and stay safe. I just finished my cup of : " fake coffee" ☕️☕️☕️☕️🥤🥤🥤🥓🥓🥓🥓. Let me see what I can finish ....... move goodwill donations to the living room, multiple things to finish in DH tv room. Yesterday tried to repair DH old favorite blanket. I gave it a new name: " Swiss 🧀 " ya know because of all the holes. I have it folded. Wish I could see DH face when he unfolds it but that's ok cause I will definitely hear the response😳😳😳😀😀😀. 🤗❤️

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Whoa..she followed you to your street??


You... should have had her follow you to police station!!!


Glad you made it home safe from that crazy lady!!!


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."