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@Bri369 @Yahooey @Coquille @SouthernBee @PamfromCT @Tique @Mj12 @dex @NEvans2 @dooBdoo @Hippiified @loveschocolate @MyShadowLove @Drythe @momtochloe @SoX @JaneMarple 


Good afternoon,

hope you day has been a good oneSmiley Happy


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 16,899
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



ya, need to sit down to hear my story about my outing with my 2 friends today! Dar&Dave

1-we go 12 miles out of town to a restuarant/gift shop for breakfast near a interstate highway.Uh..resturant closed but gift shop open..we could order carryouts but decided not to.

2- we go looking to see if any other rest. are open...nope!. all are closed due to our Governor's   orders..carrout orders only!So we we stop at a Mc Donalds and order.


3..friend handed me a breakfast sandwich..after i took a bite out of it..we realized i had her dh's item!Smiley Sad


4..He leaves mc D..and crosses acoss 3 lanes to get into a 4 to make a U-turn to head to Walmart...but he pulls into a drugstore parking lot..and I wonder why?  uh..i look behind our car and see flashing police car lights!!!//Smiley Surprised


5-Young police office comes to drivers door  and says the reason he was stopped was that he had he made a illegal U-Turn and there was signs posted not to!After he gets Daves info and insurance info..he goes back to police car!


6.-.Officer  returns to our car..Dave has  on a "Vietnam Veterans" hat on..and is thanked for his service   by officer!Smiley Happy..and  was told would be given a warning ticket instead of a $167.00 citation! Also Dave  had shown his retired police chief badge   from our town while getting his id papers togerther



7-..officer returns to his patrol car and we leave to go to Walmart.  So no bail money was needed..Smiley Happy


8-When done at Wally we came back to out town without any other problems!

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 9,782
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Wow! What an adventure. That really broke the dull and depressing virus routine. Relief that no fine had to be paid.

Our  local Golden Corral  Buffet closed on Monday afternoon. They had a call from the corporate office at lunch and was told to terminate operations immediately. Sad but in reality everyone should have known - the food had been bad for a long time and the customers dropped when the Ole Times Buffet opened up in June. Our favorite waitress  from GC  came to see us yesterday to see if we were ok!? She wanted to know why we stopped coming to GC and didn't give her a reason or warning?!  Talking about not dealing with reality. She indicated that she put application in with Ole Times. We called our friend that cleans our house and works at Ole Times - she knows the owner for Ole Times - she said she will talk with him and give good recommendations for our  GC friend. This is difficult and especially with the holidays. We now have just one buffet restaurant. DH and I talked for awhile. I fell asleep and slept all afternoon. So many people dealing with so much stress. We need to make sure to reach out to others with Love and kindness, and provide any possible support like food baskets, donations paid to landlords, utilities, etc. Like so many others, DH and I are helping family and have decided to adopt a family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We all can do something  different and special to make Our Preds Proud.🙏🤗❤️

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

boy @cowboy sam 


when you go out for an adventure, you go for it 

lights flashing - license and registration - just like on TV


so glad that your friend has let go with a warning

that is a steep fine


pillowcase of bail money still untouched


lubs ya

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Posts: 12,857
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]



I hope ur friend gets the job - so kind of you to reach out to others that may be in a position to help


you are always so generous in spirit and heart

i want you to also treat urself and be kind to urself and not run urself down

ya hear?


have you used the mixer yet?

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@SouthernBee @cowboy sam @Bri369 @Coquille @Drythe @Tique @NEvans2 

@momtochloe @dooBdoo @Mj12 @SoX @loveschocolate @PamfromCT 


morning - some garden bulbs came yesterday - will plant when this wet patch passes through - tulips and crocuses - paperwhites for inside - their blooms smell so good



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Registered: ‎06-15-2015



Your flowers  uh..a friend would like to know the colors of your tulips  and crocuses?Paper whites i have seen beforeSmiley Happy


My crocuses are minature purple iris...have you seen pictures of them? 


I love how you are planning on planting spring flowers nowHeart


lubs ya my friendHeart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,899
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



How nice of you and yours to adopt a family in need for the holidays.There are many family that will need help this year.


Some churches,etc. have Christmas trees with name tags of childrens names,ages,etc..and you just take the name tag off of gift or gifts,wrap? and take back to that same place  and they see that the gift/gifts are delivered when time is right.Heart


But i read that a nearby town has discontinued its" Red Stocking" dfund drive  for money'.gifts  this year due to the c. virus and   many families through out our county won't be helped this year!Smiley Sad


In our town..the Police Officers have a "Shop With a Cop" program,they ask for public donations  and chose children from K-to high school students..  needing help,...last year those chosen were taken to a Walmart store by a cop and was allowed to spend $30.00-$40.00 each on family gifts and for theirselfs.


They then return to police office to wrap their gifts and when done have refreshments furnished by Police department.


Also a local church has a "free  food basket" for those in need of  food once a month.


Donations of food /or money  by the public are accepted by church to help provide the this service to anyone in need.



lubs yaHeart 

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,899
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@Bri369 @Coquille 


Good morning Heart


lubs yaHeart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."