Posts: 35
Registered: ‎04-01-2014

'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

Drug resistance today poses a bigger danger worldwide than did AIDS in the 1980s, the World Health Organization says in a dire-sounding report out today: "Without urgent, coordinated action, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries which have been treatable for decades can once again kill," says a top official. Indeed, we could see a world where a child's fall from a bike could mean a "fatal infection," another WHO doctor tells the Telegraph.

"This serious threat is no longer a prediction for the future—it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country," the organization says in a press release. In many countries, for instance, E. coli treatments are powerless in more than half of patients, the AP reports. The report examined resistance in the germs behind illnesses like pneumonia and urinary tract infections; the Telegraph cites routine surgery and common bladder infections in retirement homes as possible dangers of the future. Governments, an expert says, must step up: "The world needs to respond as it did to the AIDS crisis of the '80s."

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

Well anyone who demands Z pak drugs to get over infections should think about that. And if you get a Doctor who prescribes them you should look else where for a Dr.

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

Maybe people will stop clamoring for antibiotics for every little thing.

I have been saying that for a long time now.

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎04-01-2014

Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

The problem is far more in depth than that. What about all the antibiotics injected into our food, not to mention the antibiotics getting into our water supply?

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

On 4/30/2014 SHAYDIE said:

The problem is far more in depth than that. What about all the antibiotics injected into our food?

And hormones...

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

Becareful of what you eat. You can prevent or limit that. I eat a Paleo diet so I am aware of what I am eating as well as buying.

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

It needs to stop with doctors. They have to stop prescribing useless antibiotics for viral infections just because of pressure from their patients.

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

I think we're already there.

I was just talking to a woman last week who told me "Oh, I rarely take antibiotics, maybe once a year". I think that's pretty often.

AND she wants her doctor to prescribe them over the phone. And HE DOES!!

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

Don't eat factory farmed meats or poultry. Or non-organic dairy.

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Re: 'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

I feel so fortunate to be reasonably healthy and can't recall when I last took an antibiotic (probably for dental work). However, I have a dear friend who runs to the doctor way more than I would and often wants an antibiotic. I agree. The doctors need to know when to say no to the patients "demanding" antibiotics.