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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

@kitcat51 wrote:

Women boxing men.

Ms. Khelif has always been a female.  Birth certificate, passport, and childhood photos back that up.  She has competed for years without controversy.  The only time she has been accused of having high levels of testorone was when she defeated a Russian boxer during an IBA tournament.  The head of the IBA is a high level Russian official.  Ms. Khelif and a another boxer from Twaiwan were disqualified without due process due to what was called unspecified eligibility requirements in a biochemical test.  But they did not state what tests were done or by who.  So now this young woman is forced to fight the false narrative that's she's biologically male.  Please stop spreading this falsehood.



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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?


Oh wow, @liliblu   Woman Embarassed


I didnt click on 'the heart" above when mentioned then,  'cause I didnt know what might be behind that prior comment when made.


Whatta I know!


I knew nothing about this particular controversy, esp as it pertains to the Olympics specifically. 

I knew this was controversy outside the Olympics, & admittedly, dont know enough, to have an opinion. 


THANK YOU for addressing/referring to this.  I'm going to dig abt this even more.  Curious.


"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

For me difficult and dangerous are two different things.



However, as to billiards, I wouldn't consider it appropriate as an Olympic  Sport  My opinion.   It's a past time and recreational activity,  sure.


3 Criteria for Sport to me:








My view and analysis!  Dissent and discussion welcomed!

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

The topic being discussed has resulted in numerous Olympic threads being terminated.   No need to bring it up again here due to controversy.  No need to destroy one of the few remaining Olympic threads.


I think that Olympic Sport can still be discussed without controversy.

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

I watched handball last night--handball---I thought it was batting a small ball with your hand at a wall--no,  it's a sport with teams and goalies. It looks kind of like a mix of basketball and soccer---It was introduced in 1972--I watched all the Olympics, to some degree,  since I was a kid, but have never heard or seen handball!! Was kind of interesting. 

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

Hi @wagirl      Woman Happy


I thought Handball was a small glass room with 2 players taking turns, hitting the ball against the wall with one hand.


But then again, I think some countries call soccer what we know as Football, maybe??     This isnt my sport what so ever, so Im totally ignorant about this. - I could be wrong.

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

@JoyFilled Warrior  Soccer was invented in the UK.  And that was the original name.  Never got big in the U.S. till women tried it.  Around the world it's football.Even in the U.K.  No matter what country.  In the U.S. it's for children.  Boys lose interest in it their teens. Some girls hang in with it.  A sport with the advantage if you're short.  In South America, men 5'5'" and under play it.. Only the goalie is tall.  One reason it never got off in the U.S.  We like our athletes tall.  Not that difficult to play.  And because it's on grass, not many injuries.

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

[ Edited ]

Yes please stop dragging your political agendas and Fox obsessions into these threads.

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

Yes please stop dragging your political agendas and Fox obsessions into these threads.



**  blink ???  **


"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Possible to select most difficult Olympic Sport?


Hi @wagirl       Hi @songbird 


Ahhh.  Thanks!   Woman Very Happy  Woman Very Happy

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))