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The basic 1 is very difficult to see at times while


the 4 is much easier to read with out getting a headache thank you very much

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@I am still oxox     I always use the 4 & sometimes 5 font for the same reason.💝

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Paragraphs would also be helpful!!


If a thread is one giant block....I skip it, esp. the long wordy ones.


Thank you @I am still oxox for the reminder to use larger fonts.  I need to step up on that!

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The default should be 4 or 5. I always forget to change it. Except this time!

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As soon as they make it so you can set a default font, I'll be happy to do so.  If there's a way to do that, then enlightem me.  

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i have my chrome browser on 125%


when i'm tired i raise it to 150%

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Some people use devices or formats that don't allow for font changes.

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Re: Please use larger fonts

[ Edited ]


I'm on a desk top and once I click on reply to type a Post I click on "Font" which is inside the reply box and it gives me different numbers and I usually use 4 or 5. This is #4.



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This is #5. It seems as if I read this Topic very often.

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I can’t change on the phone unless I switch to desktop “full” mode and that is awful on my phone. I only switch when I post a graphic.

Honestly, it’s easier for the reader to enlarge on their screen.