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Re: Please Don't Thank A Veteran On Memorial Day

[ Edited ]

@IamMrsG wrote:

CalmInTheHeart wrote:  The problem is that ALL soldiers give their ALL.   Yes, of course, we need to remember those who gave their lives but why intentionally disregard those who are maimed, disabled, suffer PTSD, and are currently in the service?   It seems a little high-and-mighty from those who don't understand the countless sacrifices made by soldiers and their families every moment of every day.


@CalminHeart  You are correct about all Soldiers (Airmen, Sailors and Marines, too) giving their all. That is indisputable in my book; however, no one remotely suggested intentionally disregarding any one of them. Rather, the point of Memorial Day is to intentionally not forget those who have gone.  The immediacy of death in connection to the battlefield should in no way be contingent to the observance.  


The lack of care and/or the quality thereof given wounded men and women after their years of service is certainly fodder for another topic. I am glad to see light being shone lately in that regard.  I suspect we can agree there is a lot of darkness and shame there that needs to be brought front and center for all Americans to see and understand.  The problem is overwhelming.


Your posts show pain and (some) anger, and I empathize with you as a mother and sincerely thank your son for his service.  It is apparent you and yours have been through hell and back in the name of duty. Nevertheless, you may want to reconsider assuming what suffering and sacrifice anyone else endures or understands. 


My DH bought a new American flag today to replace the faded one that has been flying on our house for the past year.  (In fact, we've displayed a flag daily since Sept. 11, 2001.)  I promise as I look at it this holiday, I will think of your son and say a heartfelt Thank You to and for him.     --Mrs. G.


What bugs me is when people assume they understand when they don't have a clue.  The only ones who understand are those who have sent their kids or spouses to war.  War is unlike anything you'll experience in the USA.  War isn't like having a car accident.  It's not like getting robbed on your way to the car.  It's not like getting a splinter.  It's not like having your appendix removed.  It's something totally different and it's irritating for soldier and families to hear that people to assume they understand. 


Flying a flag is great. I love and respect our country too.  My folks fly a flag year around too. My flag is a blue star banner which says I have a son on active duty.  A US flag doesn't mean someone understands the hell that soldiers go through.   The only anger (more like sadness and disappointment) I have is toward politicians and their supporters who want to shoot first and ask questions later, whether it's right here in this country or in another country.  Bombing and killing perceived offenders won't help.  It's what created the mess this world is in now.   I'll bet if politicians and their supporters had to send their kids and spouses first, we'd have a lot fewer wars.   

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Re: Please Don't Thank A Veteran On Memorial Day

You have to be kidding, right!  When someone has died it is a little late to thank them.  These men and women are keeping us free and safe, such ingradatude!  Re think what you feel.  Those that have given their lives for us, I thank God for, those who are in an active position I extend every little gratefulness I can.

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Re: Please Don't Thank A Veteran On Memorial Day

I don't care what anyone says ....  I thank everyone.


Yesterday I was grocery shopping and saw two firemen buying food for the fire station down the street.  I once had a conversation with them about the tiny oxygen masks they have for family pets that suffer smoke inhalation.  Those masks save pets' lives!    I made a donation to them that very day.


Yesterday, I thanked them for all they do.  It just felt right to do so, and they didn't look insulted to me.

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Re: Please Don't Thank A Veteran On Memorial Day

[ Edited ]

My husband is a Marine.  Also, we just lost his father who was retired military.  There is nothing wrong with thanking a service member any time.  I thank my husband, and honor my father-in-law and every service member for all they do. 

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Posts: 8,235
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please Don't Thank A Veteran On Memorial Day

I have not read all the posts, so if this has already been mentioned, disregard  ............  I found this on Facebook that explains all the military holidays and what the stand for, I thought it was intersting: