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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Piers Morgan show last night

This may have been a rerun from during last week. I don't watch the show reguarly, so I'm not sure.

He had 4 actresses with long careers on. One was an African American lady I didn't know. The other three were Angie Dickinson, Linda Evans, and Stephanie Powers.

I only saw the end, so I don't really know the content of the show. I was taken by how they looked. Stephanie Powers looked the best, imo. She looked pretty much the way she always did. Angie Dickinson looked not so good - and was still maintaining the same blonde hairdo. The one I kept staring at was Linda Evans. I kept staring at her lips, and how whatever she had done to them ruined her pretty looks.

I am all for fighting the aging process, but the bad lips are a real mistake. Don't they look in the mirror after having it done? Does no one in their lives tell them not to do it again?

Has anyone else seen this show?

Hyacinth {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}