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On 5/27/2014 goldenretriever said:

I watched it. Geez, how many children did the brother & sis have in incest?

I have not read the book series, but as of last night, only for the one miscarriage when they were very young, they did not have any children together. The two boys were Cathy's from her affair with the ballet dancer, and the 2nd, her mother's husband!

I really enjoyed Petals on the Wind, but was a bit surprised at the end, looking forward to the next series!

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It is on again tonight on lifetime before TrueTori comes on.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

The content just doesn't appeal to me enough to be interested although I do really like Ellen B.

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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

I think it was the worse show I have ever seen....