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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

@gertrudecloset wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

I think that type of conducting 'business' over the internet will be more common practice especially in the the post-covid future where there will be no need to be there in-person any longer. Post-covid life will be much like what we're seeing today. I think we can expect to see it that way for quite some time going forward.

@Sugipine, I agree with you totally.  However, humans have to be there to operate.  Now, I do know of some high tech and advanced medicine where robotics are involved in some operating procedures.  That's not so prevalent though.  A human has to operate on another human even post covid.  Scarey mess!  Everything's changing around us as you stated (post covid) and it scares me.






Oh yes, I definitely agree with you about the human factor when it comes to medical procedures like surgery. I was thinking more along the lines of having 'Skype' type court appearances from a place of work/home rather than replacing a human doctor with a robot in the operating room...LOL!

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

There is no excuse for his being on a zoom call with traffic court while in the OR even if he wasn't operating at that moment.  Depending upon his role in that OR, it's malpractice. Why did he have blood on his gloves?  Seems to me he was quite involved in the welfare of that patient. 

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

OMG!  That's taking multitasking too far.  Glad the judge had enough sense to postpone.

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

What a jerk. You can't fix stupid!!

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

I saw that and I laughed because my wor involves speaking with surgeons, often about urgent matters so I talk with some of the when they are in the OR.  For a few minutes.  Surgeries aren't like medical shows.  There's a whole bunch of folks present, not just the principal surgeon.  Having said that, he probably should have scrubbed out, let the assistant surgeon take over and took the call in private.  He could have explained the circumstances to the judge.  He could have scrubbed and went back.  

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

[ Edited ]

It doesn' matter whether he was or he wasn't performing surgery.  There were distractions in the room. Years ago as a young woman I went in to have a tooth pulled. I noticed the dentist was a real talker.  As I was going to sleep, I heard him laughing and talking a mile a minute with his assistant.  Guess what?  When I woke up he was apologizing profusely for pulling the wrong tooth! There should be no distractions  other than what is absolutely necessary when surgery is going on.  No common sense used in this office and thank G...d he isn't my doctor.

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

After the experiences I have had with a few incompetent surgeons, I call it the god complex. One nearly killed me, so nothing surprises me...

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

Some professions seem to attract more than their fair share of people who are arrogant to the point of having a God Complex.  In my experience, some surgeons and pilots fall into that category. Maybe its because only a few have the credentials and fortitude to make it through the long, expensive training? This guy certainly falls into the arrogant category.

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

@patbz wrote:

Some professions seem to attract more than their fair share of people who are arrogant to the point of having a God Complex.  In my experience, some surgeons and pilots fall into that category. Maybe its because only a few have the credentials and fortitude to make it through the long, expensive training? This guy certainly falls into the arrogant category.

A frequent joke from a past employer:  What is the difference between a doctor and God?  God doesn't think he's a doctor.

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Re: Performing Surgery While Attending Court

Do we know what kind of surgeon he was?  Plastic?  Heart?