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People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

Ugh people are littering by just throwing down their used disposable masks and gloves in supermarket parking lots, on lawns, roadsides, leaving used gloves in shopping carts, etc.

What is wrong with people? All those items may have the virus on them and are strewn around and left for other people to get rid of.

All supermarkets have trash containers around. Why are people so thoughtless and inconsiderate?
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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

[ Edited ]

yes @Pearlee  i have seen quite a bit of it when i am out.....especially in parking lots. i think people are getting  in their cars  and taking off their gloves and dropping them outside their car door. Smiley Sad

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

That is disgusting. I never understood why some people don’t deal with their own trash.
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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

I haven't seen this type of littering at all.

Maybe I don't go out enough. I try to stay home unless I have no choice.


I went to the grocery store today.  It was crowded. The thing that shocked me was the number of kids in the store. One mother was there with an infant and nothing to cover it's face.  I think I'd rather see the litter instead.

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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

Yup, I see it posted on my small towns FB. Horrible!

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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

Nasty!  We keep slider bags right in the car for exposed items.  Drop the items in and bingo.  Sanitize the hands.

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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

I saw about the litter tonight on the news. Sad...

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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

respect the earth.jpg

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Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

This is when you see people's true colors.  Lazy.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: People Littering Their Used Masks & Gloves

Here we are trying to wear masks and gloves to protect ourselves and then people are wearing them and just dropping them all over the place wherever they just feel like it!  What is the point to us wearing these things to keep from spreading the virus if people are doing this????  Don't people have the smarts to realize that they are just causing more problems?  It never ceases to amaze me --- the stupdity, ignorance and laziness of some people!!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin