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Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

there can not be a political forum?  Or one on NEWS like URGENT NEWS...........all topics can go bad as we all just seems like Urgent News should be allowed as they monitor anyway.........

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

This is a shopping channel forum, you can watch the news and post on other sites. Everytime they loosen the rules just a little it gets ugly. I for one am glad they don't allow it, I don't get my information about the world here. Thanks mods.

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

Because things would get heated and people would take it too far and make it a political discussion

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

Ok I see that.thank you

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

[ Edited ]

Your Face Book page should fill that need.  There's enough of it all over and I certainly don't want to see it on shopping channel forum! 

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

Because QVC doesn't want that on their forum, it's in their rules, and they get to make the rules here 

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

This is a shopping channel forum, you can watch the news and post on other sites. Everytime they loosen the rules just a little it gets ugly. I for one am glad they don't allow it, I don't get my information about the world here. Thanks mods.

Extremely well said.  If I want news I turn on a news station not a shopping channel.  I'm so sick of hearing about bad news here.  If I want to be depressed over bad tragic news that somebody died, or there's war, I'll choose to turn on a news station.  For once I wish somebody would post something happy instead of sad.  I come here to escape the bad news I hear on a news channel.  Why repeat it. 

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

We are suppose to pretend life doesn't exist outside of the QVC 

shopping arena!

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

Even though people want to say this is a "shopping forum", there are all types of discussions that are in no way shopping related.  But current events would no doubt turn political and that is "against the rules".  It doesn't stop some from getting their digs in where they can.

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Re: Only kind remarks please BUT I WONDER WHY

@mollybgood wrote:

We are suppose to pretend life doesn't exist outside of the QVC 

shopping arena!

It has nothing to do with pretending! We post about "life" everyday here, I find it quite refreshing!

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