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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 Suzie said:

LOL Emma bunting!! Girl!!!!

Don't you mean "You ah now one of us?".....{#emotions_dlg.laugh} Are you from Boston, susie?

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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:
On 5/9/2014 dmod nj said:
On 5/9/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:

OMG, I love a New England accent.

My favorite!!

Well, maybe it's a tie with my love of New Yawk accents.

Accents? {#emotions_dlg.blink} What are you saying, Kitty? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

Are you saying this area has an accent?? {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

I don't think so. {#emotions_dlg.sneaky} Everyone else has accents.{}

A New York friend tells me now that I have a Kentucky accent.

I had to go up there and kill him.


You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

OHHH I meant "" You awh one of us now."" LOL good ole Tennessee gal here.... Bless your heart!! hahahahahahahahaha

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 VanSleepy said:

When I first moved to NJ, I took a phone message for someone at work. I wrote on the paper, "ya sista called". Thank goodness she had a sense of humor and didn't punch me.

I'm confused VanSleepy. Why did she need a sense of humor? Oh I know.........

"Ya sista cawlled" is the way it shoulda looked. {}

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 scotttie said:

Sooo funny! My husband's aunt was German and they lived in the south. We used to kid and say :

sprechen Sie Deutsch, y'all!

Now there you go!! That is classic!!!

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 Emma bunting said:

Almost all of my cousins live in MA, NH, and Maine...I love talking to them! I lost my accent when my family moved to CT, then PA (I have a Philly accent). I had to remember calling my Aunts AHNT, rather than ANT, when I visited them. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

On 5/9/2014 dmod nj said:
On 5/9/2014 VanSleepy said:

When I first moved to NJ, I took a phone message for someone at work. I wrote on the paper, "ya sista called". Thank goodness she had a sense of humor and didn't punch me.

I'm confused VanSleepy. Why did she need a sense of humor? Oh I know.........

"Ya sista cawlled" is the way it shoulda looked. {}

Yep lol And now I go back to Chicago, and they all tell me I have a NJ accent!

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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

I'm from the midwest....I love that Boston accent!

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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

There was a clip on one of the major news channels earlier showing this sign. I kind of laughed because it was already here on VP......

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Re: On the way into Boston this morning......

Shouldn't they have spelled use youz?