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A few months ago, I was shopping on-line for a new toaster. I wound up with a KitchenAid. I like it but the bread doesn't toast evenly and it seems to take a long time. I'm always remembering our toaster when I was young - in the 1950s - and it looked like that. You put a slice of bread in each side, standing up -- and the toaster opens from the top down. It toasted perfectly and was fast. That cord looks very interesting!!!!!

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@beckyb1012 wrote:

@CareBears wrote:

@beckyb1012 Is that an egg cooker ( kind of looks like the one Mark Charles sells), on the left, brown small appliance.

@CareBears Yes it is, we did not have one of those but Mom had some special pan for making poached eggs over boiling water on the stovetop.  Recently, the home she built when I was in the fourth grade and we sold my senior year of high school went back on the market.  They posted 35 photos of our home with all the changes outside and inside.  I saved the site on my favorites list and still look at from time to time.  One owner actually moved the stove and fridge from one side of the kitchen to the other.  It still had my Mom's huge beyond huge patio she added a few years after she built the home then a cover from the sun later.  A woman in her early 20's, two incurable diseases, divorced with three children and made that home special always.  I loved the 70's.

@beckyb1012  I have had the same experience.  Our family home went on the market last year.  My sister found the sales listing.  The house has been remodeled and is beautiful.  Original hardwood floor beautiful because mom couldn't wait to get wall to wall carpeting.  It still just has one bathroom though.  Wish the parents could see the new version.  I saved it too. 

@Kachina624 It is a precious feeling to see the inside.  Tomorrow (5/13) marks the anniversary of four years since Mom past and today was the last day she was coherent to say "I love you" to me for the final time.  I drove by the home this morning on my way into work.  Just wanted to see those three massive trees in the front yard that were saplings she planted when we first moved in.  She always told us just wait and see how big these little trees get.  I wish Mom could have seen the remodel too.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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My parents actually never had a toaster.  Don't think my father ever ate a piece of toast.  My mother probably did sample toast.  They just always ate artisian or farmers bread.


For most of my life I didn't eat toast either, although I always had a toaster.

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@kivah wrote:

A few months ago, I was shopping on-line for a new toaster. I wound up with a KitchenAid. I like it but the bread doesn't toast evenly and it seems to take a long time. I'm always remembering our toaster when I was young - in the 1950s - and it looked like that. You put a slice of bread in each side, standing up -- and the toaster opens from the top down. It toasted perfectly and was fast. That cord looks very interesting!!!!!

@kiva  If we can send a man to the moon, I don't know why we can't make a decent toaster.  The only one I ever had that worked as advertised was a Sunbeam and very expensive.  When it went kaput, I thought it too expensive to replace. 

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On the wood fired cookstove, our bread was toasted right on the cooktop.   Toast was made in the oven, under the broiler, on our electric stove.   Moms first electric toaster was a Sunbeam purchased with either Green Stamps or Top Value stamps.   

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The toaster that brings me fond memories is the one at the lunch counter. The bread slowly moved up one side and down the other as it toasted. There was just something about it that was so pleasing to me.

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When I shop at Costco and buy around 6 loaves of bread (some have 2 loaves in a pack) - I put most of it in the freezer. So - I'm always toasting bread. I like it warm and crispy.

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I haven't seen a toaster like that!

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@Marp wrote:

As I was waiting for my bread to toast this morning I started thinking about how excited I was as a kid when the family got our first pop-up toaster and replaced one similar to this:

I have one of these toasters that I use as a decorative piece. At one time it belonged to my mother and father. I really do not remember using it as a child.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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My grandparents had a toaster that set the bread on fire.  Woman Surprised


I used to spend the summers with them.  They owned a business, so they were always up earlier than I was.  They used to leave the house about 6am to open up, and then about 830 or so, my grandmother would come back home to check on me.


(These were the good old days..1970s and 1980s..small town life.)


Anyway, I was about 8 or 9.  I woke up about 730 and decided to make myself toast.


I put the bread in, and lo and behold, flames started shooting out of the toaster!  I was scared to death. 


My grandparents' business was only about 1/2 mile from their house.  I RAN out of the house and all the way to their business, barefoot, down a gravel road.  Along the way, I kept looking to see if the house was blowing up.  LOL


My grandmother jumped in the car with me, and we zoomed home.  By that time, the toast had burned up and no more flames.


And that's my story about toasters.  Smiley Happy


By the way, they got rid of the toaster and told me to wait until my grandmother got home before I used any kitchen appliances.


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