Super Contributor
Posts: 382
Registered: ‎06-23-2010

Northeastern AZ - White Mountain Wildfires - Burning our of control - 0% containment

/></p> <p>Recent map of the burn area.  There is 0% containment.  I can only imagine how much of the wild life has been killed.  In the community of Alpine various organizations helped to evacuate pets and livestock.  Nutri has also been evacuated.  Springerville/Eagar is in a pre-evacuation. </p> <p>I am visiting my parents, so am not home.  The two days before I left - the smoke would come in and sufficate Round Valley (Springerville/Eagar.)</p> <p>As of this morning the fire had burned 109,000 acres. </p> <p>A co-teacher who has a home a few miles south of Alpine doesn't know if she has lost her house for not.</p> <p>Please all of you  wonderful souls on Pet Lovers, please say an extra prayer and/or send positive energy out to the universe - whatever you all believe and asked that the winds calm, the humidity comes up (the current dew point in that area has been recorded as -11) all the people and animals will be safe - especially all the fire fighters..  And that the fire will be contained soon.</p>