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@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@missy1 wrote:

Free speech doesn't exist.


It does. The problem is that most people don't actually understand the first amendment or what freedom of speech means.  


Sure one can use it, but may find LE/etc. at one's door.

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It would be nice if they had a separate  forum just for politics.  With the up coming presidential  vote coming up, it would make sense we would want to discuss things going on. It is sad we can not share our feelings.

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These boards have become much more BORING, and thusly I am coming here less frequently.

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You know what I find odd, they never remove posts about HSN specials and offers.  You'd think they would be their biggest competitor.

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Re: No free speech on forum

[ Edited ]

The crux of the matter is this is a business owned board, and money is the bottom line. They don't care about your free speech, particularly if it affects sales.

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June222 wrote:

It would be nice if they had a separate  forum just for politics.  With the up coming presidential  vote coming up, it would make sense we would want to discuss things going on. It is sad we can not share our feelings.


They actually did, years ago.  It was pretty ugly.   I guess they know that's how it would still be and don't want that for their board.  Being that it is a retailer's board, I can understand their feelings about that.  Smiley Happy

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@June222 wrote:

It would be nice if they had a separate  forum just for politics.  With the up coming presidential  vote coming up, it would make sense we would want to discuss things going on. It is sad we can not share our feelings.

Yeah, here's how 99.999% of those threads would go:


Person 1: "MY candidate is the best! Your candidate is a dufus!"


Person 2: "No, MY candidate is the best, and YOUR candidate is the dufus!"


Person 1 : "No, yours is!"


Person 2 : "No, yours is!"


on and on it would go.



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Sorry, didn,t read the rules.  Thought it meant not to be nasty to other poster, not get too political, and keep it civil.




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Privately paid for access means that the payer sets the rules, so we're not seeing any vio;lation of freedom of speech.  You're free to gowrite that info  on any public forum or to go stand on any public grounds and talk about the same.  That's what feeedom of speech is all about.


Here ypou're fee to follow the guidelines set by the one who pays -  works that way in my house, too.

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Regarding using the forums to advertise competitors, I never will understand why this is even questioned.  QVC is in the business of making money, I would think.  Why would they finance a public forum and then allow people to use it to advertise other businesses?


And as far as "free speech...  "  By now, don't all of us know this doesn't pertain to privately-owned forums?  We agree to the Standards for Participation when we register and use this platform.


Why not enjoy the forums for what they are, with their limitations and imperfections?  I do understand it sometimes helps to vent, but at this point don't most of us know how the Q Community operates?Smiley


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova